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Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Science. Show all posts

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Scientists tried to change the Spinach into a Bomb detection device

Scientists have been training rats, bees and even dolphins to sniff out land mines, but now they're turning their attention to something that has never been imagined before, namely Spinach.

It famous because has many health benefits, spinach as soon as possible can be a tool for human beings to reveal the existence of hidden explosives and prevent casualties. This has become possible thanks to the work of researchers from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), which uses a technique called infusion of blood vessels to introduce the carbon nanotubes from the leaves of the plant.
Spinach is finally living up to its reputation as a Superfood. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1flCCW)
These nanotubes are specifically designed to interact with a chemical component called nitroaromatic, which is commonly used as an explosive. In their experiments described in the journal Nature Materials, the researchers focused on nitroaromatic called picric acid.

The acid is absorbed from the groundwater by plant roots, then transported into the mesophyll layer located on the underside of leaves, where most of the photosynthesis takes place and the same location as the nanotubes while it is working to locate the explosives.

When the researchers expose the laser light on the nanotubes, they will give a fluorescent signal detection as a sign nitroaromatik (chemical components used as an explosive). This signal can be viewed by using the infrared camera within 1 meter. Although at this time the team is still trying to widen the longer distances.
Overall, it takes about 10 minutes for nitroaromatics reach the leaves after being absorbed from the roots, and while some animals have been able to sniff out explosive chemicals faster.

Michael Strano co-author of the study said, "The plant is an excellent chemical analysis. They have an extensive network of roots in the soil, and has its own way to transport water up to the leaves."

If the researchers manage to do this experiment, do not be surprised if in the future casualties caused by explosives would be much less, thanks to the invention.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | IFL SCIENCE]
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Friday, November 18, 2016

A paralyzed monkey can walk again thanks to the new brain implant technology

Thanks to a new system called the brain-spine interface, a paralyzed monkey with primary spinal cord injuries able to walk again in less than six days after treatment. The interface was developed by an international researchers collaboration led by École polytechnique fédérale de Lausanne (EPFL) in Switzerland. The system uses an electric implants strategically placed helps to provide a signal that is passed through the brain and leg.
Grégoire Courtine holds a silicon model of a primate’s brain and a brain implant. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fkzLu)
In a statement, one study author Grégoire Courtine explained, "This is the first attempt of neuro technology to restore motor function in a primate." Nevertheless, he warned that there are many challenges ahead and may take several years before all the components of this invention can be tested in humans.

Without a serious injury, signals from the motor cortex of the brain will be forwarded to the spine in the lumbar region, which consists of a neuron tissues and stimulates the movement of the leg muscles. But if there is a lesion in the spinal cord, this communication can be interrupted and makes the brain can not receive the signal from the legs.
A brain implant and silicon model of a primate brain. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fkydP)
Therefore, the researchers put an array of electrodes in the motor cortex of monkey who have spinal cord injuries, to record the signals coming from the brain when the animal walks. Then the neural activity sent wirelessly to a control computer by using algorithms to identify the encoding signal of muscle flexion and muscle extension.
Once the brain signals has been translated, the computer will submit it through the electrodes that are placed in the lumbar region of monkey who have spinal cord injuries and then stimulated electrically on the tissues will stir the leg muscles.

"The primate was able to walk after the brain-spine interface was enabled. Without physiotherapy or training is required," said co-researcher Erwan Bezard.
Detailed study has been published in the journal Nature and further research involving this technology in humans has now been approved. If the study is successful, then the system could be the latest step in the treatment of paralysis. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | WASHINGTON POST]
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Monday, November 14, 2016

Cause of the disappearance of the Atlantis began to unfold

The legend of Atlantis is one of mankind's oldest myths. This legend was first echoed by a Greek philosopher named Plato around 360 BC. He described Atlantis is a prosperous country that disappeared without a trace after sinking into the sea.

Several hundred years later, many people believe that Santorini is one of the islands in the Cyclades islands in the Aegean Sea is the mythical Atlantis. But unfortunately, this beautiful country with Minoan culture was swept away by a tsunami caused by a volcanic eruption.
Many people believe that Santorini was once Atlantis (artist's impression), as the description given by Plato has many common points with the story of the Minoan Akrotiri, which also disappeared without leaving any trace. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1faiU7)
And a new study shows the possibility of a tsunami caused by pyroclastic flows (clastic rocks formed from volcanic material) into the sea. This theory is considered challenging previous theories.

The eruption at Santorini in 1500 BC caused a large tsunami suspected as a factor that led to the end of the Minoan culture. Evidence of at least nine meter high waves have been found at several sites near the island of Crete, Greece.
A new study suggests that the tsunamis may have been generated by the pyroclastic flow of volcanic material into the sea – a theory that challenges previous explanations for the tsunamis that led to the demise of Minoan culture. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1faiU7)
Previous studies assumed that the collapse of the volcano's crater (caldera) into the sea and caused a tsunami. But researchers from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens put forward a different theory. The researchers analyzed the seabed beneath the caldera, and found evidence of the caldera is not connected to the sea when it collapsed.

The latest findings said that the caldera flooded by sea water after the explosion occurred. But the flood itself is not possible to create a tsunami. Instead, the researchers believe that the pyroclastic large volumes of volcanic flow in a high speed into the ocean, so it is strong enough in moving water to create a tsunami.
A diagram shows the development of Santorini caldera prior to, during, and following the Late Bronze Age eruption. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1faiU7)
In their paper published in the journal Nature, researchers led by Paraskevi Nomikou, write interesting findings as follows; "A tsunami in regional scale associated with volcanic eruptions created by a pool of pyroclastic flows, which coupled with the possibility of quickly sliding of the mass pyroclastic deposits from the mountain slopes into the sea."

And other evidence to support this theory is the pyroclastic deposits in Santorini has a thickness of up to 60 meters. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILYMAIL]
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Sunday, November 13, 2016

Scientists managed to convert carbon dioxide into ethanol by chance

The team of scientists at the US Department of Energy's Oak Ridge National Laboratory managed directly convert carbon dioxide into ethanol by chance. To form the ethanol, the researchers added a carbon nanospikes and copper to carbon dioxide.
Scientists just accidentally discovered a process that turns CO2 directly into ethanol. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fYeYi)
Ethanol is a type of alcohol found in the hand sanitizers and some beverages. Ethanol can also be converted into fuel. Gasoline in Brazil, for example, contains 25 percent ethanol.

"We found it by accident. We tried to learn the first steps in reaction initially proposed, when we realize that the whole reaction catalyst conduct by themselves," said study lead author, Adam Rondinone.
Close up of the carbon nanospikes. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fYeYi)
Actually, the team's experiment is part of a long-term research project investigating how to convert carbon dioxide into ethanol. The researchers think, the process will require several steps and complex chemical reactions, but it is far easier than they imagined. They just need to add a single catalyst (copper) to convert carbon dioxide into ethanol.

These findings is a major breakthrough, given that carbon dioxide is the primary actor in contributing to climate change, can be converted into fuel.
Until now, not yet known whether this technology will be mass produced. If the cost is affordable and widely available, so this technology has the potential to become a producer of environmentally friendly alternative energy. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | IFLSCIENCE]
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Wednesday, November 9, 2016

What the experts said about the best place to put perfume

During this time most people spray the perfume on the neck or wrists. However, it turns out that the area is not the only place that is suitable for making Your perfume more shine and durable.
Experts say that you shouldn't just be spritzing perfume on your wrists and neck. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTpO8)
Experts advise to spray it in your belly button. Steven Claisse, a perfume expert from the Takasago perfume company, said that a few drops of perfume at the belly button will lead to extraordinary results.

"Every part of the body that emits heat will enhance the perfume's aroma and the belly button is the only one," he said as quoted of the Daily Mail on Tuesday, November 1, 2016.
Instead you should be dabbing it on your belly button. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTorb)
And another perfume expert, Ruth Mastenbroek, also seems to agree with this explanation. The belly button is one of the pulse points, the same as the neck and hands. Body heat emanating of the belly button pulse points will make it is the best place to apply the perfume.
Perfume works best when it's applied to pulse points, and the belly button is one. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTpO8)
One of the celebrities who have tried this method is Liv Tyler. She claimed that applying the perfume on her belly button to make the perfume last longer. "I shed in some parts of the body, one of which is the belly button," she said. And she said also that her father who taught her to do this.
Even Liz Tyler (above) says that she puts perfume on her belly button, and that her Dad taught her the trick. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTpO8)
In addition to the belly button, there are several other unusual places to apply the perfume. Mastenbroek mentions that the back of the knee and the ankle is also the right place.

"The back of the knee is a perfect pulse points. The warm and soft parts will capture the strong aroma of perfume," she said. Are you interested to try it? *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Here comes the 'perfect' dose of sperm in an equation

Each couple would expect their marriage to be fertilized by the presence of children. However, sometimes some factors such as a lack of sperm fertility when inseminate an egg cell, becomes 'barrier' to get the baby.

Therefore, a study of the calculation of the perfect sperm to have children done. As quoted by the Daily Mail on Friday, November 6, 2016, the research was conducted by formulating many mathematical symbols that might be used by Professor Stephen Hawking when revealed the secrets of the universe.
Scientists hope the breakthrough will help couples who have struggled to conceive. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fS1vL)
The mathematical formulas trials could be expected to assist in determining what the perfect sperm is and becoming the key in the egg cell fertilization. It designed by British scientists, of an algebra equation explained that the efficient sperm seen from several factors such as the length of the tail and the level of isolation defense, while swimming toward the egg.

The study is one of a series of equations that the scientists hoped could be help the couples to undergo fertility treatment using the most efficient specimens. According to the Birmingham University research team, by using the mathematical equation they planning to make mobile phone applications that can detect the fertility of a man in seconds.
This equation holds the key to defining the 'perfect sperm', a team from Birmingham University has revealed. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fS1vL)
Analysis of fertility they can get from sperm samples were enlarged. "This research has the potential to change the treatment of fertility," says the project leader, Dr. Dave Smith.

A survey shows one in six couples have difficulty in having children. It is estimated to occur in nearly all cases due to the husband's sperm damage. But even so, measure the quality of male sperm is not easy, is an uncertain science, and carrying on the healing process of verbosity.

"Identifying the sperm that can be reach the egg, in fact is a difficult job. The principles are still based on tests in 1952," said an expert in male fertility of the Sheffield University, Professor Allan Pacey. He also said that the improving of semen analysis is a 'gift' for a doctor like him. Now researchers use a microscope to count the number of moving sperms in semen samples.

For men who have very low sperm quality, it would be nice if they inject the sperm directly into the egg cell. This method is challenging and likely to fail.

Researchers from Birmingham University believe that by doing these methods they can improve accuracy when assessing the amount of the fast and agile sperms. To do that can be done by using the high-tech cameras, and analyze them by using a computer.

"When counting starts by checking them based on the shape of the head and dexterity of the sperm to move," said Dr. Smith. Meanwhile his colleague, Dr. Jackson Kirkman-Brown said, if the sperm does not reach the egg, cells that look like tadpole will not be able to fertilize.

"The ability and the strength of sperm to swim and reach the egg is very important. But not swim straight such as the renowned Olympic swimming athlete do," Smith said.

"They basically have to move through mucus and doing a swimming motion like a snake. Forming 'S.' And a mathematical equation above illustrates how an efficient way to do it," added the man's fertility doctor.

In addition, Smith also said that 'cleanliness' of the sperm's DNA cargo in the cell's head that became one of the determinants of fertility. Sperm is very small, they have a body length of about one-fifth thousandth of a millimeter, thus requiring sophisticated equipment to see it. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Saturday, November 5, 2016

Scientists found a new unique millipede

Millipedes, so people often mention the name of smallish reptiles, jointed, and has a row of legs a lot. The arthopoda type animal is one that is often found in parts of Indonesia, India, South Africa and several other countries.

But recently, scientists stunned by the discovery of a unique new species of millipedes in a cave in California. As quoted by LiveScience on Wednesday, October 26, 2016, the male-sex arthopoda has a number of legs and genitals of different animals like.
A new species of millipede (Illacme tobini) with about 414 legs and four 'penises' was discovered in a cave in Sequoia National Park in California. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fMICM)
If the millipedes in general have about 700 feet, these findings have only 414 and 4 of which also can be converted into the penis. The animal found in the marble caves known as Lange Cave, located in Sequoia National Park, California also has a unique metabolic system. Of the pore of its body, the animal named 'Illacme tobini' can release 200 toxic substances. The hazardous liquids that supposedly serves as a 'weapon' to protect themselves from predators.

The name of Illacme Tobini itself taken from the name of a scientist who discovered this new species, Ben Tobini, a cave expert in the Grand Canyon National Park. The Illacme tobini research starts from 2002 to 2009. During the search formed by Tobini, a cave biologist, Jean Krejca (now working in Zara Evironmental Texas) found the figure of a small milipede measuring only 20 millimeters long.

Krejca then send it to be analyzed to milipeda expert Paul Marek of Virgina Tech, and William Sher from Hampden-Sydney College in Virginia. The scientists then 'excited' to realize they're researching a new species of the Illacme type (so far only one type that was found, ie Illacme plenipes).

The animal was found in an area that is as far as 240 kilometers from Lang Cave. The millipede has 750 feet, and is the milipede with feet at most on the Earth. "I never expected to 'hold' the second type of animal with the most number of feet on the planet, which was found in a cave within 240 kilometers of the previous finding," Marek said in a statement.

After the discovery, the researchers continue their search in hopes of finding another sample of Illacme tobini. They are probing around Lange Cave and 63 other locations in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada. But did not find others. The millipede in the hands of scientists is believed to be the only one Illacme tobini and stud of the existing new species.

According to the research, this 'blind' millipede is prey on fungi as the main food source. They also mention that the ninth and tenth feet of the arthopoda can be transformed into a millipede typical penises known as gonopods. The 'penis' has a tapered tip shaped like a shovel and a projection that serves deliver sperm from the male to the female one.

Illacme tobini discovered 90 years after Illacme plenipes discovered in 1928. Both of these animal species belong to Siphonorhinidae (a group only consist of 12 species). *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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Friday, November 4, 2016

These underwater lakes will kill anyone who swim there

For the first time, scientists have discovered the lakes in the ocean. Anyone who dives to the lake will die of poisoning. A waters underneath the Gulf of Mexico that was discovered by scientists through Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus spotted the underwater lakes because its salinity level is much higher than the surrounding waters dubbed as 'Jacuzzi of Despair'.

"This is the most amazing thing in the deep sea. You dive into the deep sea and find a lake or river that flows, it feels like was not on the Earth," said Erik Cordes, an associate professor of biology at Temple University.
Scientists have found underneath the Gulf of Mexico is a salty lake that is rare in the world's oceans but deadly. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fL76z)
Erik who published these findings in the journal Oceanography last week said that the lakes in the ocean has salt levels five times higher than surrounding areas. Not only that, it also has the levels of methane and hydrogen sulfide are very high. That is why the waters of the lake can not be mixed perfectly with the surrounding waters.

Almost no living creature that is able to live in that environment. Anyone who dive into it will die due to poisoning. Only bacteria can tolerate methane and high salt and will survive. For the scientist, the lake is an interesting research field. Scientists can study how certain living creatures could live in extreme conditions.
"There are many scientists who are looking for extreme habitats like this and making it a model for predicted what can be found on other planets," said Cordes was quoted as saying Science Alert on Thursday, October 27, 2016. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCE ALERT]
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Sunday, October 30, 2016

Scientists found the answer, why the snakes have no legs?

Why the snakes have no legs? So far, we may be satisfied with the answer: the snakes evolved. However, two scientists from the University of Florida, ie Martin Cohn, Ph.D., and Ph.D. candidate Francisca Leal would like to delve deeper, especially in terms of genetics. They also want to know whether the evolution could make the snake became legged on the future.
(Pictured: the Burmese python) Why the snakes have no legs. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f9wWu)
The scientists research uncover, development of limbs in snakes is determined by the "Sonic the Hedgehog" genes. And the name of "Sonic the hedgehog" is taken from a similar urchins bone are grown in the early on the snakes embryo.

"It was one of the strangest in the vertebrate skeleton," said Martin J Cohn who is doing research. Although snakes have no legs now, but the gene still exist. The gene can be "on" and "off". In the snakes, the gene is "off" so that the legs do not grow.

"In lizards, the Sonic hedgehog "on" and acting as a motor, and encourage the development of means of motion of the hand up to the fingers," explains Cohn as quoted of Motherboard on Wednesday, October 25, 2016.

In his publication on the journal Current Biology, Cohn reveals that the python's Sonic Hedgehog gene was "on" in the early embryo. That's why the python may sometimes have some sort of claw that actually is going to the feet.
These findings suggest, python may actually has the feet. No need evolution. But the phyton only should took exact genetic mutations, then the legs grew. The genetic studies on the snakes can be useful to study the evolution wider.

"I think this could be the basis to conduct a comparative study of how organs lost in evolution," said Cohn. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | MOTHERBOARD]
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Friday, October 28, 2016

This little thing can cause 'Doomsday' in a heartbeat?

Some scientists revealed that the creation of the apocalypse could be as easy as pressing a button. Moreover, the process of self-destruction the universe will erase everything and will not bring new things anymore.

The theory described in animation video uploaded by Kurzgesagt on Youtube. In the video explained that the basis of self-destruction consists of the concept of energy levels and stability. "More higher levels of energy, there is more energy in a system," says the narrator in the video titled 'The Most Efficient Way to Destroy the Universe - False Vacuum.'
The universe continues to grow rapidly until today. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f6Aj7)
The video explains that in the world of quantum mechanics which determines how the universe works on subatomic scale, and the ground state theory was correct.

Throughout the universe, particle tried to release the energy to reach the ground state in order to become more stable. Just like everything in the universe, particle strive to achieve the lowest possible energy phase is called the vacuum state.

However, these phases become unusual when it comes to the Higgs field, which is the quantum field that describes how most elementary particles in the universe acquire the mass. Higgs field did seem to be in the lowest energy state like a vacuum state, but actually it is not as stable as people think - false vacuum.

If the energy level is likened to the mountain, the Higgs field is located in a valley in the middle of the mountain with a steep slope on the other side. It shows that the Higgs field actually has a lower phase and has a great potential energy waiting to be released.

Physicists are not sure what caused it. But if the Higgs field has fallen to a lower level, it releases huge amounts of energy and trigger an endless chain reaction that can lead to destruction.

In the Higgs field process towards the actual stable phase, the energy released to make space around more energetic. "The new and stable of Higss field scope, growing in the speed of light in all directions," said the narrator of the video.

If the destruction of the universe occurred as a result of a chain reaction due to false vacuum, it will happen in an instant, and people will not see it coming.

Destruction that will replace the standard model of how the universe behave and interact. Due to this, atomic and quantum components makes them not act the same way, where there is no more chemical reactions and life.

Check out the explanation in the video below:
But in the end the video narrator explains that at this time we do not need to worry, because until now their understanding of particle physics, there may still be an error. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ]
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Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Struve Geodetic Arc produced the first accurate measurements of the Earth's size

Determining the size of the Earth is one of the most difficult problems for natural philosophers since ancient times. In the 2nd century BC, the Greek astronomer and mathematician named Eratosthenes began developing methods of measurement to calculate the meridian arc and compares it with the angle of the Earth's center.
The northernmost station of the Struve Geodetic Arc is located in Fuglenes, Norway. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f4f32)
This method last up to two thousand years even though the accuracy of measurement is very low, ie approximately one percent. Eratosthenes calculates the arc length by measuring the time it takes for people to cross the desert and the angle by measuring the difference between the altitude of the Sun with latitudes.
A Struve Geodetic Arc station in Hogland, Russia. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f4fRq)
Map of the Struve Geodetic Arc
where red points identify the 
World Heritage Sites. (Picture
from: http://adf.ly/1f4fRq)
In the 16th century, discovered a new measurement technique called triangulation. This method uses the arcs within the short to measure accurately, while the distance can be determined using a triangular link chain.

Triangulation allows the astronomers and cartographers to accurately measure the distance that stretch hundreds and thousands of kilometers. During the 18th century, many bows are built across Europe, but the longest is the Struve Geodetic Arc.

The Arc that stretches along 2,820 kilometers has allowed the most accurate Earth's measurements of the history. Yes, the man behind this arcs was a Russian-born German scientist named Friedrich Georg Wilhelm von Struve who conducted in-depth survey during 1816 up to 1855.

And the Struve Geodetic Arc consists of 258 triangles connecting 259 triangulation points, snaking from the northern coast of Norway to the southern coast of Ukraine. Currently, hundreds of points are located in 10 different countries namely Norway, Sweden, Finland, Russia, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Belarus, Ukraine and Moldavia.
A Struve Geodetic Arc station in Lithuania. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f4fRq)
As quoted of the Amusing Planet, the measuring stations or points marked in various ways, such as stone monument, memorial, rock drilled, until the sign of the cross on the rock surface. Of the overall 259 measurement points, 34 of which were recorded collectively in the list of UNESCO's World Heritage Sites. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | AMUSING PLANET]
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