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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Ancient Volcanic Eruption Destroyed Most Marine Life

Theory is one of the meteor hit the explanatory how the extinction of dinosaurs on Earth. This was evidenced by a giant crater in the Yucatan Peninsula, which is expected showered celestial 65 million years ago.
Researchers believe they have uncovered evidence of a ancient volcanic eruption that led to marine life extinction at 200 thousand years ago. (Picture from: http://www.sciencedaily.com/)
But the disappearance of the dinosaurs is not the only mass extinction of life on earth. Recent research indicates that the catastrophic events that have occurred 200 thousand years ago. This time, almost all marine life died.

Thomas Tobin clears sand from around the
fossil of a giant ammonite he found in 2009
on James Ross Island in Antarctica. (Picture
from: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/)
Mass extinction was caused by factors out of the earth, the volcanic eruptions on the Deccan Plateau in India. This massive eruption spewing aerosols that meets the Earth's atmosphere. Vomit fine aerosol particles that are suspended in greenhouse gases and warming-is what killed many marine organisms, especially invertebrates shells on the sea floor. "It seems that these extinctions occurred within a short time," said Thomas S. Tobin, a paleontologist at the University of Washington, Tuesday, September 11, 2012. The research was published in the journal Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.

Tobin and his colleagues collected marine fossils from Seymour Island off the Antarctic Peninsula. The island is to deposit thick sediments rich in fossils. They can get a lot of detailed information from the fossils. "The content of fossils at Seymour confirmed that in the period after the eruption of the Deccan, there is a mass extinction of marine animals," he said. Tobin hopes his research on Seymour Island can be proved in other places, such as in the North Pole. *** [NYTIMES | MAHARDIKA SATRIA HADI | KORAN TEMPO 3994]
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Fortuner SUV Terbaik dari Toyota

Pada saat anda sedang mencari kendaraan SUV harian yang praktis, Mungkin banyak merk mobil yang muncul dalam pikiran. Namun cuma ada satu nama yang sudah terbukti melalui produknya, Toyota pabrikan yang sudah melahirkan banyak varian handal di dunia automotif.

Tidak dapat disangkal lagi bahwa Toyota merupakan pabrikan otomatif pelopor pada segmen SUV di Indonesia dengan berbagai produk handal seperti varian Seri Kijang yang begitu melegenda di Indonesia.

Dengan mengusung katagori Sport Utility Vehicle (SUV), Tidak salah bila pabrikan Toyota menghadirkan Toyota Fortuner sebagai produk andalan dalam kelasnya dimana performa serta ketahanannya telah teruji di berbagai medan jalan seperti yang telah ditunjukkan dalam rangkaian perjalanan Pertamina Fastron Euroasia Yepe Expedition 2011 (sebuah perjalanan napak tilas petualangan Marcopolo) dengan rute sejauh 27,000 km melintasi 2 benua, 23 negara dan sekitar 60 kota dalam waktu 90 hari (dimulai tanggal 17 Agustus 2011 di pelataran Monumen Nasional Jakarta dan berakhir 10 November 2011 di Venesia, Italia.) Semua medan telah ditempuh mulai dari medan gurun pasir, bersalju sampai dengan berlumpur semua dapat dilalui dengan perkasa oleh Toyota Fortuner, karena memang Fortuner SUV Terbaik.

Toyota Fortuner dalam rangkaian perjalanan Pertamina Fastron Euroasia Yepe Expedition(Gambar dari: http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/)
Dengan mengadopsi segala kelebihan Toyota Fortuner melahap segala macam medan jalan maka pada tahun 2012 ini kembali hadir varian baru dari Toyota Fortuner yaitu Toyoya Fortuner VNTurbo dengan desain yang elegan berkesan mewah. Serta dilengkapi berbagai macam fitur modern dan canggih untuk memenuhi semua harapan akan sebuah SUV istimewa. Disamping itu juga Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo merupakan SUV yang mengusung banyak kemudahan dalam berkendara dan mempertahankan garis aerodinamis yang bertujuan untuk memberikan kepraktisan sebagai mobil keluarga.
Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo. (Gambar dari: http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/)
Toyoya Fortuner VNTurbo adalah kendaraan roda empat berbahan bakar solar yang menggunakan mesin terbaru 2 KD-FTV 2.5 Liter D4D Common Rail with VNTurbo and Intercooler. Dimana mesin ini memiliki kapasitas 2.5 liter (2,494cc) yang menghasilkan daya maksimum sebesar 144ps pada 3,400rpm dan torsi maksimum 35kgm pada 1,600-2,800rpm. Kelebihan dari mesin dengan Variable Nozzle vane Turbo (VNTurbo) ini adalah mampu memberikan tekanan udara yang lebih besar pada putaran mesin yang lebih rendah daripada Turbocharger biasa yang berukuran sama ditambah dengan intercooler. Hasilnya, torsi menjadi lebih besar di putaran mesin rendah.

Karena turbo berhubungan dengan aliran gas buang yang panas, maka suhu udara yang terhisap ikut meningkat. Padahal jika suhu udara panas membuat molekul oksigen renggang dan menipis. Karena itu pada Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo ini dilengkapi intercooler diantara turbo dan intake manifold untuk menurunkan kembali suhu udara yang panas agar kandungan oksigen menjadi lebih rapat. Inilah salah satu keunggulan yang dimiliki Fortuner SUV Terbaik.

Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo terdiri dari 4 varian model, sebagai berikut:
  • Model 2.5 G A/T.
  • Model 2.5 G A/T TRD Sportivo.*
  • Model 2.5 G M/T.
  • Model 2.5 G M/T TRD Sportivo.*
*Fortuner TRD Sportivo merupakan lini terbaru yang dilengkapi aksesoris genuine dari Toyota Racing Development (TRD) sebagai bentuk penegasan karakter kendaraan sang penakluk tantangan.

Selanjutnya Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo adalah kendaraan yang menggunakan sistem penggerak dua roda (4x2) dengan 2 jenis transmisi, yaitu:
  • Transmisi Otomatis 4 tingkat kecepatan, Super ECT yang digunakan pada model 2.5 G A/T  dan 2.5 G A/T TRD Sportivo.
  • Transmisi Manual 5 tingkat kecepatan yang digunakan pada model 2.5 G M/T dan 2.5 G M/T TRD Sportivo.
Exterior handal dari Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo. (Gambar dari: http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/)
Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo ini dirancang dengan dimensi 4,705mm panjang, 1,840mm lebar, 1,850mm tinggi dan 2,750mm jarak poros roda. Dan untuk memberikan penanganan yang mengesankan dalam berkendara mobil ini dilengkapi dengan fitur canggih seperti Corner & Parking Sensor yang terletak di bumper depan dan belakang untuk meningkatan kontrol terhadap kondisi area sekitar kendaraan kemudian terdapat Anti-Lock Braking Sistem (ABS) yang mencegah roda terkunci untuk memudahkan pengendalian saat pengereman di jalan licin, kendaraan ini dilengkapi pula dengan Projector Headlamp, Fog Lamp, Kaca spion elektrik yang dilengkapi dengan Turning Signal Lamp.
Ruang kabin luas dan mewah dari Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo. (Gambar dari: http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/)
Air bags, fitur keselamatan yang terpasang pada Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo. (Gambar dari: http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/)
Kenyamanan berkendara menjadi kata kunci yang dipegang oleh Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo sehingga pada kabinnya terpasang sistem Ceiling Air Conditioner yang memberikan kenyamanan dan kesejukan bagi seluruh penumpang saat berkendara. Ruang interior yang lapang dan mewah untuk kenyamanan dalam berkendara yang juga dilengkapi dengan perangkat entertainment canggih yang terpasang pada dashboard yaitu 2 DIN Audio Video System + 6 speakers dengan 6.1" Touch Screen, DVD, iPod (Audio & Video) Connection, Bluetooth, CD, MP3, WMA AM/FM, USB/AUX compatible with Steering switch. Masih banyak fitur lain yang terpasang dalam kabin mobil ini.
Ceiling Air Conditioner yang memberikan kenyamanan dan kesejukan bagi seluruh penumpang saat berkendara dengan Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo. (Gambar dari: http://www.toyota.astra.co.id/).
Untuk harga Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo ini dibanderol mulai dengan Rp.387 juta sampai Rp.422 juta atau lebih mahal Rp.10 juta dibanding versi lama. Dan sebagai pemegang merk Toyota di Indonesia PT. Toyota Astra Motor menargetkan penjualan 6,000 unit untuk produk SUV terbaik ini.

Jadi pastikan jika Anda ingin memiliki mobil berteknologi mutakhir, memiliki performa mesin prima dan tangguh serta harga yang bersaing, adalah pilihan yang paling tepat jika Anda memilih Toyota Fortuner VNTurbo karena memang Fortuner SUV Terbaik. ***

[Disarikan dari TOYOTA dan tulisan ini disusun dalam rangka mengikuti "Toyota SEO Award 2012 Penguin Challenge" yang diadakan oleh Toyota Astra Indonesia]
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Monday, September 17, 2012

Asteroid Collision in the Jupiter's Sky

Amateur astronomer George Hall
captured this image of an apparent
impact on Jupiter while recording
video telescope observations of the
planet on Sept. 10, 2012, from
Dallas Texas. (Picture from: 
Bright flash of light near Jupiter caught on camera amateur astronomers on September 10, 2012. The light was thought to have originated from an asteroid collision with the greatest planet's atmosphere.

Like the previous nights, Dan Peterson of Racine, Wisconsin busy playing a telescope mirror diameter 30 centimeters in his yard. This time, he turns his telescope to Jupiter shining almost as bright Morning Star. That's when he saw the flash of light from behind the telescope. "Brightness lasted for 1.5 to 2 seconds," said Peterson.

Other astronomy lovers, George Hall, in Dallas, gave the same testimony. This time, he has video evidence of Jupiter fireball in the sky. The video he spread through photo and video sharing site, Flickr.

The appearance is reminiscent of light astronomers to crash strands Shoemaker-Levy comet with Jupiter in 1994. The collision produces a bright light in the sky Jupiter. The trail wound black imprint on the planet for a few months.

Spaceweather.com site, which actively monitors the solar system, estimate the fireball is an asteroid or comet that struck Jupiter at high speed. Collisions like this last occurred in mid-2010. Objects that hit Jupiter when it predicted a 10 meter asteroid. Asteroids of this type are found around the Jupiter. Some of these approaches due to the gravitational pull of Jupiter. 

Reports from these amateur astronomers got a response from professional astronomers. Now astronomers from around the world to race directing their telescopes toward Jupiter. They hope to see the rest of collision.
This graphic of Jupiter by UK astronomer Pete Lawrence shows the location of the Jupiter impact region from Sept. 12, 2012, as seen through an inverting astronomical telescope. The impact site is located at longitude system II 335, latitude +12. (Picture from: http://www.space.com/)
Objects that fall to the surface of Jupiter usually drove at a speed of 30 kilometers per second. Radius of Jupiter, 11 times larger than Earth and a mass 318 times heavier than Earth make this planet can draw objects with very high speed. Ability to attract small celestial bodies are close to the sun makes the giant planet is considered the protector of the small planets, including Earth. *** [SPACEWEATHER |  SPACE | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 3995]
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Sunday, September 16, 2012

Synthetic Protein Can Help Fight Flu

Researchers at San Diego State University found a way to help the immune system cope with flu disorder before it becomes severe virus and make people sick.
A new study found a synthetic protein may help fight the flu before it starts. (Picture from: http://abcnews.go.com/)
The report is published in the scientific journal PLoS ONE, July 6, 2012 last. According to the researchers, a synthetic protein, EP67 is able to activate the immune system in two hours.

Joy Phillips, a researcher who became head of the authors in this study explains, EP67 protein has been used as a reference for the flu vaccine. However, based on studies they do, see the potential to develop EP67 to work independently.

"EP67 working instead to kill the virus, but the function of the immune system itself. Study we showed that by 'introducing' EP67 into the body 24 hours from the time of exposure to the flu virus causes the immune system to react quickly.

"As a result, the body returns to normal," Phillips said as quoted by Science Daily, she adds flu virus is a virus that is not detected until a few days until the body has been exposed to the symptoms. Therefore, it is very EP67 potential as a therapy when a person exposed to the flu virus that can not be avoided, but to try to prevent the disease weakens the body.

Although the present study was focused on the flu, according to Phillips again EP67 also likely to be a therapeutic treatment for various respiratory infections and other infectious diseases. This study also has implications for the veterinary world, cause EP67 is a protein that is active in a number of animals including birds. *** [SEPTI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13092012]
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Lightest and Sleek

Apple launched the new music player, the fifth-generation iPod Touch. The device is as thin as an iPod Nano with a larger screen.

"This iPod Touch lightest we've ever made," said Greg Joswiak, vice president of Apple, at a launch event at the Yerba Buena Center, United States, Wednesday, September 12, 2012 local time.

It’s made of anodized aluminum and weighs just 88 grams, with a thickness of 6.1 millimeters. Screen size is the same as the iPhone 5, which stretches as far as 4 inches diagonally.

According to Joswiak, in addition to playing music, the iPod Touch is suitable for playing games. Currently, there are 175 of thousands of games and apps for the iPod Touch.
New Apple iPod Touch. (Picture from: http://osxdaily.com/)
Using dual-core A5 processor, the brain in two, is capable of processing images twice as fast. iPod Touch 32 GB sells for U.S. $ 299 (approximately Rp. 2.8 million). iPod Touch comes with a 5 megapixel camera sensor and LED Flash. The camera is made from sapphire crystal for the best picture quality. 

The video camera captures 1080p HD quality. Front-facing camera features 720p support, backside illuminated sensor, and FaceTime works over 3G with iOS 6. Siri is also coming to the iPod touch.

For the first time, the iPod touch will come in five different colors: silver, black, blue, yellow and red.

Apple claims the battery for this product can last up to 40 hours for playing music. iPod Touch is equipped with Wi-Fi 802.11a / b / g / n high speed.

Playing the game on TV with AirPlay feature becomes more smoothly without a hiccup. "This is the first time the AirPlay feature on the iPod," Joswiak said. ***

The new iPod nano features a 2.5-inch multi-touch display and is 38% thinner than previous models. The volume controls take up about half the side of the gadget. It will also come with Bluetooth, an FM tuner that allows users to pause and start the radio and built-in fitness tracking.
New Apple iPod Nano. (Picture from: http://osxdaily.com/)
The new iPod nano comes with a new Lightning connector, which is 80% smaller than its existing dock connector. The price is U.S. $149 (approximately Rp. 1.4 million).

The company noted that it has sold more than 350 million iPods: “We add millions and millions every quarter,” Apple said. The new iPod nano will come in seven colors, including blue, yellow, green and red. ***

In addition to the iPod Touch and Nano, Apple also launched its newest earphone product. White Apple earphones typical undergone major changes in the design. These earphones are called EarPods was three-years in the making. The EarPods designed to direct sound into the ear.

Apple promises a significant improvement of the sound quality of these new earphones, claiming that its voice was "more natural and enhanced durability, and amazing sound quality usually reserved for higher-class earphones.
Apple EarPods. (Picture from: http://www.engadget.com/)
"EarPod out with speaker grille which was great as we find in the previous versions with the addition of two new grille smaller to make incoming sound directly into the ear. The new design also aims to enhance the security of the sweat and water. The changes were welcomed anyone who likes to exercise" says Apple.

EarPods will be packaged along with the iPhone 5, iPod Touch, and iPod Nano have just been announced. As you would expect, there is an inline remote control for volume and phone calls. EarPods will be available as separate accessories at a price of U.S. $ 29 (approximately Rp. 270 thousand). *** [BUDI RIZA | CBCNEWS | MASHABLE | KORAN TEMPO 3995]
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Saturday, September 15, 2012

Ssangyong's Hybrid Vehicle Concept Revealed

Fossil fuel powered vehicles are too polluting and expensive to run and electric vehicles are slow and don’t offer a decent operating range, so the way forward right now, as envisioned by a lot of auto manufacturers, is a blend of both these technologies.
Front view of SsangYong e-XIV. (Picture from: http://www.cardekho.com/)
Hybrid vehicles pack the punch of a conventional gas-powered car, while ensuring a reduction in emissions, not to mention the fact that you can ride it on electricity alone, when you’re not in a hurry. This is the reason we see auto manufacturers come up with hybrid vehicles at motor shows and this year’s 2012 Paris Motor Show will be no different.
SsangYong has announced that the company will present the all new e-XIV (Electric-Exciting user interface vehicle) – a compact crossover powered by a hybrid engine at the upcoming Paris Motor Show. The vehicle is expected to be the hybrid version of the XIV-2 concept, which was revealed at this year’s 2012 Geneva Show.
Rear view of SsangYong e-XIV. (Picture from: http://www.cardekho.com/)
The car characterized by the dynamic stance, the wraparound DLO contrasted by large, trapezoidal C-Pillars, descending roof lines and sleek and efficient LED lights. The flanks feature prominent wheel-arches which at the rear give form to distinctive lower surfaces.
Bird-eye view of SsangYong e-XIV. (Picture from: http://www.carbodydesign.com/)
The eco-friendly powertrain uses an electric motor coupled with a small internal combustion engine which serves as a range extender. The concept features a panoramic glass roof that betters visibility, while also offering space for solar cells to generate renewable electricity for the onboard battery.

The B-Segment crossover concept is 4,160 mm long, 1,790 mm wide, 1,575 mm high, and has a 2,600 mm wheelbase. Considering the line of unpolished, aesthetically challenged SUVs SsangYong currently sells in Europe and Asia, that may be a bit of a stretch. We’ll find out when the e-XIV debuts in Paris at the end of the month. *** [CAR BODY DESIGN | ECO CHUNK DIGITAL TREND | SSANGYONG MOTOR]
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Slimmer and Lighter

Apple iPhone 5 finally appeared well after the long-awaited by gadget users around the world. Apple finally introduces its latest smart phone, the iPhone 5, to the public in San Francisco, United States, Wednesday, September 12, 2012 local time. There was a little disappointed Apple products lover because not many surprises presented.

The boss of Apple, Tim Cook, in his introductory launch event was attended by technology journalists from various countries, said, "iPhone 5 and iOS 6 is something that is happening on the iPhone since it was first created."

This is the first time Apple changed the iPhone screen size since this smart phone comes in the form of the iPhone 2G in September 2007. During this time, the screen size of the iPhone and iPod touch is always the same.
Tim Cook, chief executive officer of Apple Inc., speaks during iPhone 5 launch event in San Francisco. (Picture from: http://blogs.vancouversun.com/)
It is interesting to observe is how the impact or the impact that will occur in the application or operating system that is running on the screen if the iPhone 5, which is different from the screen version of the previous iPhone.

Many changes were made to the operating system iOS 6. Apple wants to bring a new experience for users of their products in terms of cloud computing. There are at least 200 new features that brought iOS 6 for iPhone 5. Safari browser in this phone has a full screen mode, there is a button to return to the previous screen, and there is a new feature called VIP in the e-mail.
Apple iPhone 5. (Picture from: http://www.trustedreviews.com/)
iPhone 5 has a half-inch larger than the previous iPhone series. Apple put a 4 inch wide screen display with 326 ppi Retina display and a pixel density of 1.136 x 640.

Apple claims that the old application is made for a 3.5 inch screen will still be run on the iPhone 5. Only, the application will be placed in the center of the screen. As for the screen that is not filled will be grayed out.

iPhone 5 is now equipped with the ability to run on 4G LTE networks. In addition, the connection via GPRS, EDGE, EV-DO, HSPA, HSPA +, and DC-HSDPA like the iPhone 4S will be retained.

In theory, the speed of downloading on the iPhone 5 could reach 100 Mbps. Apple claims that the 4G LTE network that plugs into the iPhone 5 can be connected in various countries around the world.

Like many expectations, Apple updated the iPhone 5 processor. The processor used is the A6, which has two times faster CPU with graphics is also two times faster. Size 22% smaller processors, but the performance is much better and reliable.

iPhone 5 comes with an 8 megapixel camera sensor, the image density reaches 3,264 x 2,448 pixels. The camera is also equipped with a hybrid IR filter, five element lens and f/2.4 aperture.

For video mode, the camera of the iPhone 5 can record in high definition 1080p and has been equipped with video stabilization. When recording video, the iPhone 5 could also be used to take photographs. *** [WIRED | CBCNEWS | PCADVISOR | FIRMAN | KORAN TEMPO 3995]
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Size: Length 7.6 mm, coated aluminum body.
Weight: 112 grams (20% lighter than the iPhone 4S).
Screen: 4 inch Retina Display 326ppi (1,136 x 640 pixels).
Processor: A6, two times faster than before.
Connection: GPRS, EDGE, EV-DO, HSPA, HSPA+, DC-HSDPA, and 4G LTE.
Camera: 8 megapixel iSight camera, hybrid IR filter, five element lens and f/2.4 aperture.
Video: Home 1080p HD, 720 HD rear.
Connectors: 80% smaller than the 30-pin connector.
Battery: Much better than the iPhone 4S. ***Enhanced by Zemanta

Friday, September 14, 2012

Water and Salt to LED Lighting

Nowadays many people are racing to create alternative energy that carries the mission of environmentally friendly, economical, and practical.

Ever since the earthquake and subsequent Fukushima nuclear disaster that occurred in Japan last year technology has been developed to help if such an event were ever to occur again. One of the biggest problems to overcome in Japan was a lack of power, which has led one Japanese company to create a light that runs purely on salt water.

Green House Co Ltd released has developed LED lights to light it does not require electricity or batteries, but only requires power and salt water.

The luminous power of the light is rated at 55 lumen, but the lantern isn’t just limited to acting as a light source. On its casing you will find a USB port, allowing you to plug in and charge other devices. So if you are stuck in a power outage at night you can use the LED Lantern to light the way while it charges your smartphone.
GH-LED10WBW from Green House Co Ltd. (Picture from: http://kuwaitblogs.tomotiki.com/)
As reported by Ubergizmo, the lamp with the name GH-LED10WBW it will emit light when water and salt put into the lantern, and capable of burning for eight hours. To turn the light takes about 350 milliliters of water and 16 grams of salt.

This electronic device developer explained that a mixture of water and salt will work as electrolytes with magnesium (mg) rod as the negative pole and carbon rod as the positive poles.

Green House is expected to release the LED Lantern before the end of September in Japan. The one thing not yet know is the price, but due to the limited parts it uses I can’t see this being a very expensive device, but it’s certainly one lots of Japanese households will want to have ready in a cupboard just in case. *** [GEEK | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13092012]
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Cyborg Cockroaches, New Tool for Search and Rescue

Evacuation of the victims, especially the earthquake victims can take quite a long time. However, thanks to researchers at North Carolina State University, now it can be done quickly with the discovery of a new way.
Researchers turn Madagascar Hissing Cockroaches into remote control cockroach cyborgs. (Picture from: http://www.sciencespacerobots.com/)
They use the cockroaches are equipped with a small electronic backpack that can be driven by the controller.

A research paper recently released revealed that the engineers successfully tested a device that was strapped onto biobot Madagascar cockroach. To make biobot, the engineers used lightweight microchip and a wireless transceiver.

By using biobot tied over the head cockroach, engineers were able to direct these nocturnal animals along the curved line. With this success, the researchers hope to attach a miniature camera and sensors are used to monitor areas that are difficult to access.

"Our goal is to determine whether we can create a wireless interface with a cockroach biology strong and capable of breaking into small areas that are difficult to reach," said Alper Bozkurt, co-author of a paper and an assistant professor of electrical engineering at North Carofina State University.

"Ultimately, this discovery allows us to make the mobile web with smart sensors that use cockroaches to gather and transmit information. Accordingly, we can use it to find survivors in a building that had been destroyed by the earthquake," said Bozkurt.
Bozkurt also explain why researchers use a live cockroach than designing a robot with a small size. Bozkurt says. “We decided to use biobotic cockroaches in place of robots, as designing robots at that scale is very challenging and cockroaches are experts at performing in such a hostile environment." *** [SCIENCESPACEROBOTS | SRI | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13092012]
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Thursday, September 13, 2012

Secure Your Mobile Media

It is the human nature that likes to use something new and sophisticated but perhaps this is not true for gadget users in a remote telecommunications, disaster areas and war areas.

Not long ago, a nonprofit group MobileActive released a program called SaferMobile intended for activists and journalists who were in the area with a repressive regime. Through the program, the agency provides a guide on how to use encryption techniques and the use of handheld mobile devices that are not tracked.

The agency warned of the risks of using a communication device for activists and journalists working in conflict-prone areas. Many now prefer the international media news sources of the local population in conflict-prone areas, to reduce the risk of security for journalists working in the region.

But it was also create new problems. Rami al-Sayed, for example, video bloggers who are sending video material from the conflict in Syria, was killed after the download of video clips on the internet, used by Al Jazeera, the BBC and Sky News.

Through the agency SafferMobile program provides guidance on how the use of a number of communication tools can be dangerous device users. Through safermobile.org site, the agency released a Twitter user, YouTube service, e-mail, and downloading of pictures taken from a camera mobile phone. The Institute also provides satellite phone user is often so turned improve security risks in its operation.

The site invites users device communication tools to realize the risks of using communication tools to protect themselves.

Who does not know the sophistication of satellite phone, which is able to provide communication access in almost all locations in this hemisphere. Satellite phone, despite high operating costs, often a choice available when it comes to device communication tools in one location are minimal telecommunications infrastructure, from natural disasters to war conflict situations.

The agency expose a number of security-related risks users. Among other things, relatively easily intercepted satellite telephone, data sent via satellite could hardly be encrypted, and the device is also often sends the user's location in the form of data the GPS satellite coordinates.

In areas of conflict, particularly the war zone, the use of satellite phone can be dangerous. Frequently humanitarian activists and journalists became targets of the regime who feel aggrieved by their activity. The agency provides a number of tips that can be used to reduce risk. *** [AHMAD F | MOBILEACTIVE | PIKIRAN RAKYAT 13092012]
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