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Sunday, May 1, 2016

If MINI makes Sedan

The plans of the MINI car manufacturer will launch the sedan version was apparently not a figment. A teaser image of MINI sedan designed by renowned automotive designer, Theophilus Chin has been widely circulated on the Internet recently.

From the car's figure, the MINI sedan still retains the character of its distinctive design which uses round lights in the front. As a differentiator for the sedan model, the pillar designed higher and have a tail as the trunk space like a sedan in general.
Rendering image of MINI Sedan by Theophilus Chin. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ZoiIE)
Although its shape was changed, uniquely in the teaser image of MINI sedan remains has a touch of retro aura in its modern design. Not far-away, the design is not separated from retro style like other MINI models.

As quoted from Autoevolution, when it launched the MINI sedan will become the entry-level class of products in other MINI products. The price offered is more competitive than the price of other products such as MINI Countryman, Clubman and Convertible.
Rendering image of MINI Sedan by Theophilus Chin. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ZoiIE)
Just to note, the MINI sedan will use a four-cylinder engine that is claimed to have more power than the three-cylinder engine in use today. As is known, the power of three-cylinder engine which used by MINI today reaches 134 hp with a torque of 162 Nm.

It looks like this is not a good thing, because the shape looks strange.... *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THEOPILUS CHIN | AUTOEVOLUTION]
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Is George Wyman's classic motorcycle found?

A classic motorcycle allegedly as the first motorcycle used to travel across the United States in 1903 found after nearly 111 years to disappear.

George A. Wyman was an architect, who became the first gy to ride on a motorcycle travelled around the United States. He made an epic journey with a California motorcycle that starts from San Francisco, CA on May 16, 1903 and ends 50 days later in New York on July 6, 1903. Wyman got a record as the first American who rode a motorcycle in long-distance and heaviest in the world.
George Wyman was the first guy to ride a motorcycle across the U.S. in 1903. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ZsDZu)
California motorcycle design is very simple, using the thin tires, without shockabsorber, only two small springs under the seat, is not very comfortable to ride. Having used a few weeks, Wyman let the bike on display at New York Straight, then moved to the Golden Gate Museum in San Francisco. In less than two years, the bike disappeared without a trace.

Many rumors about the existence of the historic motorcycle, some say it destroyed during an earthquake in San Francisco in 1906, some are saying on display at a bar. Another rumor said Otis Chandler, the Los Angeles Times publisher who is also a motorcycle enthusiast, bought it in the 1970s. After Chandler's death in 2006, Wyman Memorial Association received the news about the motorcycle from one of Chandler's fellows, Dave Scoffone.
The 1902 California motorbike that may be Wyman's. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ZsDic)
There is no strong evidence to believe that the classic motorcycle is the original unit. However, some components show similarities such as when Wyman travel for the first time, such as a carrying rack to hold extra fuel and cargo and a small storage compartment underneath the seat post.
Wyman added the triangular storage container under the seat post. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ZsDic)
Tim Masterson, the project manager of the Wyman Memorial Project said that they were looking for photographic evidence or documentation to support the authenticity of the motorcycle that they get it.

"If it can be proven, this would be the state assets," said Masterson. In addition, the historic motors will also be worth very costly if it proves its authenticity. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ATLAS OBSCURA]
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Penemu Mesin Fax

ALEXANDER BAIN (1811-1877)
Alexander Bain dilahirkan pada Oktober 1811, di Watten, Caithness, Skotlandia dan meninggal 2 Januari 1877 di Kirkintilloch dan dimakamkan di Pemakaman Old Aisle.

Teknologi dasar di balik fax telah ada sekitar 150 tahun yang lalu,  tepatnya ketika Alexander Bain menciptakan mesin faks pertama pada tahun 1843. Dia percaya bahwa simbol yang digunakan dalam kode Morse dapat diterapkan secara visual, bukan hanya dari pendengaran, dan oleh karena itu akan digunakan untuk mengirim jenis informasi lainnya. 
Desan mesin telegraf ciptaan Alexander Bain. (Gambar dari: http://adf.ly/1ZqQ2q)
Alexander Bain yang juga seorang pembuat jam, juga menggunakan pengetahuannya untuk mendesain dan membuat konsep dasar dari mesin fax modern. Gagasan untuk menggunakan sinyal-sinyal listrik yang dihasilkan oleh operator telegraf adalah langkah besar dalam telekomunikasi.

Dalam perangkat fax pertama desain Alexander Bain, sinyal-sinyal akan melewati jenis kertas yang direndam dalam suatu kimia. Sinyal tersebut kemudian akan menyebabkan bahan kimia tersebut menguap, meninggalkan tanda panjang atau pendek dalam kode Morse. Tanda ini memungkinkan untuk pengiriman informasi lebih cepat dan memungkinkan dia untuk membuat rekaman dengan menekan lubang yang memungkinkan untuk mentransmisikan sinyal secara otomatis. Perangkat ini dikenal meskipun hampir tidak cukup luas, sebagai telegraf "kimia." yang merupakan cikal bakal dari mesin fax sederhana pertama di dunia.
Plakat peringatan tentang penemuan Alexander Bain. (Gambar dari: http://adf.ly/1ZqQ2q)
Telegraf sinyal adalah mesin faks pertama yang sukses mengirim pesan dengan mengatur transmisi arus listrik. Karena mesin faks, pengiriman pesan teks atau dokumen jauh lebih cepat itu dan penemuan tersebut merupakan salah satu tonggak terbesar dalam sejarah teknologi komunikasi. Teknologi dari mesin fax dibangun di atas teknologi telegraf temuan Alexander Bain.

Konsep dasar dari mesin faks adalah untuk mengirim faksimili atau salinan teks yang merupakan Konsep asli yang dikemukakan oleh Alexander Bain. Idenya adalah bahwa kita bisa memindai gambar, gambar atau teks, dan gambar scan bisa ditafsirkan sebagai sinyal pada kotak yang diaktifkan on atau off. Artinya, informasi tersebut akan muncul ke penerima mekanik di mesin fax penerima, yang kemudian akan mencetak gambar.

Mesin Fax mulai menjadi sangat populer pada tahun 1983 ketika Komite Konsultasi Internasional Telephonique et Telegraphique (atau CCITT Grup 3) menetapkan protokol standar untuk fax. The CCITT adalah sebuah organisasi yang menetapkan standar komunikasi internasional, dan fax tentu menjadi standar dari waktu ke waktu. Mesin Fax dengan cepat menjadi biasa dalam dunia bisnis. Mesin fax banyak digunakan untuk mengirimkan dokumen-dokumen hukum dan juga dokumen bisnis. Meskipun telah berkurang akibat penggunaan email dan teknologi lainnya, banyak bisnis tergantung pada teknologi fax ke hari ini.

Tahun 1990-an, mesin faks memiliki ukuran yang besar dan sulit untuk dioperasikan. Lama kelamaan mesin fax muncul dengan tampilan yang lebih user-friendly dan banyak digunakan. Teknologi faks sekarang bagian dari teknologi "all in one" dalam satu printer, dengan kemampuan untuk fax, scan, mencetak dan menyalin, semua dengan biaya yang murah.

Meskipun mesin fax telah ada sekitar selama bertahun-tahun dan digunakan secara luas, tampaknya fax melalui Internet lebih cepat dan menjadi sarana yang sangat populer untuk transmisi informasi. Fakta bahwa internet mampu mengirimkan informasi pada kecepatan tinggi membuatnya lebih nyaman dan lebih mudah bagi orang untuk memanfaatkannya. Meskipun semakin banyak orang berpaling ke fax internet, mesin fax masih dianggap sebagai bagian yang sangat penting dari teknologi. *** [EKA | DARI BERBAGAI SUMBER | ]
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Saturday, April 30, 2016

Don't be surprised, if this Countach can swim

Who does not know the Lamborghini Countach. Yes, one of the Italian legendary supercars is indeed the target of the antique car collectors from around the world.

Because of the scarcity of this supercar, so the car collectors willing to spend their money ranging from US. $355 thousand, or approximately Rp. 4,6 billion per unit. Not to mention, the cost of restoration and maintenance of this legendary supercar is classified as very expensive.
You can buy an amphibious Lamborghini replica for $27,000 on eBay. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zb54v)
But unique, as quoted of Tech Insider on Tuesday, April 12, 2016, an English man offer this car with a fairly cheap price, which is about US $27 thousand, or about Rp. 350 million. Having explored further, it turns out the car is just the Countach replica that purchased by the seller who has an eBay id as 'paulrcross' about 15 years ago. However, the real car has a real name the 'Z1A,' turned out have a V8 engine that almost similar to the original engine of Lamborghini Countach.
This an amphibious Lamborghini Countach replica made by SeaRoader. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zb4pG)
The car itself was made by a mechanic named Mike Ryan, the founder of SeaRoder, a U.K.-based vehicle modifier that specializes in making amphibious cars. In addition, the car also has been invited several times into various TV shows as well as participate in several film shooting in the past. So, are you interested to have this vehicle? If yes, unfortunately the car has been sold on eBay. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SEAROADER | TECHINSIDER]
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Fight against Superbug, now Researchers rely on the Worms

The researchers at the University of Technology Sydney is undergoing an important mission to find ways to overcome the superbug prevalences throughout the world. Jana Soares, a researcher student taking care the worms with a combination of antibiotics and anti-microbial peptide, which is commonly used for food preservation for many days.
US student Jana Soares is following up work done at the UTS ithree institute. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zq7eJ)
The worms are infected with the superbug which commonly called Pseudomonas aeruginosa, which are resistant against many types of antibiotics. These bacteria commonly infect humans who are hospitalized for more than one week and also can be life-threatening.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zq72o)
"This is important research because we are trying to develop treatments for patients in the future," said Soares.

"Currently we use antibiotics which are no longer used in the clinic because the bacteria have developed resistance to these antibiotics,"

"We need to find new antibiotics or new ways to reduce the microbial resistance to antibiotics,"

Jana Soares is a US student who was sent to study at postgraduate Fulbright scholarship funds to follow up previous findings by Associate Professor Cynthia Whitchurch from UTS ithree institutions.
Microscopic worms have been infected with florescent Pseudomonas aeruginosa and treated with a combination of antibiotics. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zq7eJ)
She infecting the nematodes with glowed  strains of P. aeruginosa that will glow green under a microscope. This allows her to monitor whether there is a decrease of bacteria after the nematodes were given a combination of antibiotics. If the worm successfully survive, the researchers plan tested this model on mice before conducting clinical trials on human (if this method proves truly successful).

"This is a good stepping stone to get an idea of ​​how we could find new methods to tackle antibiotic resistance," she said.

"All the things we can do to understand how to overcome antibiotic resistance or find new antibiotics will be able to save lives,"

"Resistance to antibiotics is currently a source of concern for public health throughout the world,"

Australian citizen concerns become increasingly significant for some time following a report about a man in Victoria who died after being infected with Klebsiella pneumoniae that are resistant to antibiotic treatment.

The report, published in the Medical Journal of Australia is mentioned in detail that the 59-year-old man infected with the bacterial pneumonia for two months after being treated at St. Vincent Hospital, Melbourne due to pancreatitis. Because the bacteria are resistant to some antibiotics, the man in a short time his condition deteriorated and died five months later.

Peter Collignon, a professor of infectious diseases and microbiology at the Australian National University, said the report such as this is one of the reasons why Australia needs to reduce the amount of antibiotics that they use.

"Antibiotics are the only drug that gives people the side effects, the more antibiotics we use, the more we produce and select 'bug' that are resistant to antibiotics or known by superbug," she said.

Antibiotic resistance becomes one thing we can be passed on to other family members and as society as a whole, the resistance will be transmitted from one individual to another.

Professor Collignon said the antibiotic resistance has now become a worldwide problem, although the rate in Australia is relatively low because of a good water supply, and restrictions on meat imports. However, he said that Australia uses two times more antibiotics than other countries such as the Netherlands, but there is no evidence that people become much better condition.

"We are not going to get a rating equal to China and India because of infrastructure problems and have control on who can prescribe an antibiotic and the quality of antibiotics, but we were headed in that direction." *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ABC NEWS]
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Friday, April 29, 2016

KIA Motors unveiled a 'Transformer' real car

While flipping through the pages of social media, we stumbled upon an interesting video of a Transformer car in real. This is not a video uploaded by users about their home grown experiment, this is a video from the São Paulo International Motor Show 2010 held in Latin America. 
KIA Motors put up a fantastic show at the said event with their SUV, Mohave aka Borrego transformed into ROBOKIA. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zcov2)
Korean carmaker, KIA Motors put up a fantastic show at the said event with their SUV, Mohave aka Borrego. Now, how fantastic can a SUV with that name be you may ask, here is what happened.

KIA Motors managed to pull the crowd to their event pavilion and started the show. Initially it seemed to be a normal SUV standing on the deck for visitors to glance at. And as the crowd thought that was it, music, smoke and lights grabbed the attention of the onlookers. 
KIA Motors unveils live Transformer car named 'Robokia'. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1Zcov2)
The Mohave SUV they thought was a showcased car, was in fact KIA’s gimmick for the show. In just a few seconds after the music uplifted the atmosphere, the SUV stood up! And by ‘stood up’ we mean, it actually got on its feet. The Mohave took at stance as a robot for a while and then got back on its four. KIA Motors dubbed the transforming SUV as the ROBOKIA and also wore a nameplate of the same.

The ROBOKIA of the show was a specially built Mohave that could pull of the transformer trick. Following the São Paulo International Motor Show, the ROBOKIA made various special appearances across many auto shows.
Well the transformation is not as astounding as we have seen in a series of movies based on the robo-aliens, but it definitely is a good attempt by the automaker for their marketing strategy. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | FREEPRESSJOURNAL]
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Electronic skin soon will be provide the biometric data

Japanese researchers are testing the electronic skin called e-skin, which later could be used to keep track of the biomedical data. In an article published in the journal Science Advances, a team of researchers from the University of Tokyo said that the layer of "ultra thin, ultra resilient" which are being developed by them will allow the functions such as blood oxygen levels and heart rate displayed electronically through light emitting diodes mounted on the e-skin.
Japanese researchers have developed an e-skin that could one day revolutionize electronics, particularly biometric tracking. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1ZcwjQ)
The thickness of e-skin was only two micrometers and consists of the layers of silicon oxynitride and parylene. According to the researchers, the special electrodes are inserted between the layers so as to enable them to include polymer light emitting diodes and organic photodetectors for the skin. The diodes are more thinner 10 times than the human hair was so efficient because not much need of electric power and generate less heat.

"The advent of mobile phones has changed the way we communicate. While these communication tools are getting smaller and smaller, they are still discreet devices that we have to carry with us," said Takao Someya of the University of Tokyo's Graduate School of Engineering. "What would the world be like if we had displays that could adhere to our bodies and even show our emotions or level of stress or unease? In addition to not having to carry a device with us at all times, they might enhance the way we interact with those around us or add a whole new dimension to how we communicate.".
The research team said that the development of promising technologies that can be used. This is not the first e-skin, but the researchers said the new e-skin is more durable and comfortable to wear because it is very thin and pliable. The e-skin also does not allow oxygen and water evaporated to operate electronics thereby increasing The e-skin also does not allow oxygen and water evaporated to operate electronics thereby increasing  the device's potential lifetime from "a few hours" into "several days." *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VOA NEWS]
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