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Saturday, November 28, 2015

Perintis Flashdisk

Dr. FUJIO MASUOKA (1943 - ....)
Saat ini kita berada di era digital yang banyak berhubungan dengan dunia komputer. Tentu saja sebagian besar dari kita saat ini mengenal apa yang disebut dengan Flashdisk. Tapi mungkin sebagian besar dari kita tidak mengenal siapakah yang pertama kali menemukan dan memperkenalkan benda kecil yang sangat akrab dalam kehidupan kita saat ini. 

Ya, dia adalah Dr. Fujio Masuoka orang yang pertama kali menemukan dan memperkenalkan flash memory yang merupakan cikal bakal flashdisk. Beliau lahir pada tanggal 8 Mei 1943, di Kota Takasaki, Gunma, Jepang. Ketika ia berusia 10 tahun, ibunya mendorong dia untuk belajar matematika dan menyewa seorang guru pribadi. Pada saat ia berusia 12 tahun, Masuoka berhasil menguasai matematika. Di sekolah tinggi, Masuoka terkonsentrasi pada teori, percaya bahwa kemajuan teknologi atau elektronik dicapai hanya melalui kerja teoritis. Sebagai hasil dari studinya, Masuoka juga mengembangkan pemahaman yang mendalam tentang ekonomi dan hukum. Beliau meraih gelar Bachelor of Science, Master of Science dan PhD di bidang teknik listrik dari Tohoku University masing-masing di tahun 1966, 1968 dan 1971. Segera setelah lulus, Masuoka bergabung Toshiba Research and Development Center pada bulan April 1971.
Toshiba pertama kali memasarkan NAND flash memory pada tahun 1987. (Gambar dari: http://bit.ly/1lG9LTe)
Pada bulan ketiga di pekerjaan barunya, bos Masuoka, Dr Yoshiyuki Takeishi, menunjukkan sebuah Memori Ultraviolet Erasable Masuoka Intel elektrik Programmable (UV EEPROM), yang diumumkan beberapa bulan sebelumnya. Masuoka kemudian mempelajari teknologi Intel dalam dua bulan dan menemukan sebuah struktur baru, sebuah memori jenis MOS read-only memori yang dikenal dengan nama Samos yang menjadi paten pertama Masuoka di tahun 1972.
Intel pertama kali mengkomersialisasikan NOR flash memory pada tahun 1988. (Gambar dari: http://bit.ly/1lG9LTe)
Antara 1972 dan 1984, Masuoka membuat terobosan memori lain yang signifikan, pasangan sel memori dinamis dengan struktur poli-silikon ganda. Pada tahun 1977, ia pindah ke divisi semikonduktor Toshiba, di mana ia mengembangkan sebuah memori 1 Mbit DRAM.
USB flash drive pertama dikomersialisasikan oleh Trek Technology (Trek ThumbDrive) dan IBM (IBM DiskOnKey) pada tahun 2000. (Gambar dari: http://bit.ly/1YqMQt9 dan http://bit.ly/1gQ0woR)
Masuoka kemudian dialihkan ke divisi produk rekayasa memori Toshiba pada tahun 1980 untuk memulai karyanya pada pengembangan memori flash. Ia kemudian bergeser ke divisi desain memori rekayasa Toshiba pada tahun 1984, di mana ia menyempurnakan dan dipatenkan memori flash NOR. Dia mempresentasikan temuannya pada Pertemuan International Electron Device (IEDM) di San Francisco. Setahun kemudian, ia berkembang ke flash memory 256 Kbit. Pada bulan April 1987, Masuoka kembali ke Toshiba Research and Development Center, di mana ia mulai berhasil mengembangkan lebih maju NAND-type flash memory cikal bakal flashdisk. Meskipun terobosannya, flash belum siap untuk komersialisasi.

Untuk membuat dan memproduksi pra-fabrikasi komersial chip memori flash 4 Mbit, yang dibutuhkan oleh Masuoka untuk mengembangkan teknologi tinggi yang diproyeksikan untuk berbagai pola sirkuit pada setiap lapisan mikroprosesor. Tapi perkiraan biaya untuk membuat teknologi tersebut adalah ¥10 juta, yang membuat Toshiba awalnya enggan untuk berinvestasi. Masuoka meyakinkan Toshiba's consumer electronics research executives bahwa chip flash memori 4 Mbit dapat digunakan untuk ke dalam kamera digital konsumen dengan memori flash yang berfungsi sebagai "film digital." Dengan pendanaan dari divisi elektronik konsumen, Masuoka terus mengembangkan dan mempresentasikan flashdisk 4 Mbit NAND-type flash memory pada Konferensi Solid-State Sirkuit Internasional (ISSCC) di New York City pada 1989.

Pada tahun 1994, Masuoka bergabung Tohoku University dimana ia menjadi profesor selama 13 tahun sebelum diangkat sebagai Profesor dari universitas Lembaga Penelitian Komunikasi Listrik. Untuk karya rintisannya pada memori flash, Masuoka telah menerima berbagai penghargaan dan penghargaan di Jepang termasuk Hadiah dari perdana menteri jepang Watanabe pada tahun 1977 dan Penghargaan Penemuan Nasional pada tahun 1980. Pada tahun 2007, Masuoka dianugerahi Medali Ribbon Purple dari Kaisar Akihito.

Flashdisk tidak hanya ukurannya saja yang berkembang, tetapi bentuk dan fungsinya juga mengalami perubahan. Ada flash drive yang memakai rotary design sehingga kita tidak perlu khawatir kehilangan penutupnya. Tersedia juga flash drive yang dilapisi karet supaya tahan air atau dilengkapi dengan clip carabineer sehingga mudah digantungkan. Bahkan telah dibuat flash drive berbentuk model kartu kredit. Namanya wallet-friendly USB. Ukurannya hanya 86 x 54 x 1,9 mm. Jadi, dapat disimpan dengan aman di dalam dompet.

Untuk masalah keamanan yang dimiliki flash drive saat ini sebatas melindungi data yang ada agar tidak terakses oleh orang yang bukan pemiliknya. Cara kerja yang dipakai saat ini antara lain menggunakan full disk encryption atau physical authentication tokens. Sistem terbaru yang diperkenalkan tengah tahun 2005 lalu adalah biometric fingerprinting. Akan tetapi, metode sekuritas ini sangat mahal karena menggunakan teknologi tinggi Pada kenyataannya pemanfaatan flash drive telah berkembang untuk berbagai hal. *** [EKA | DARI BERBAGAI SUMBER | EWEEK.COM]
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Friday, November 27, 2015

Hilux 6x6 Monster introduced in Bulgaria

The 6X6 monster of Mercedes-Benz G63 seems to be a new trend in the world pickup. In Bulgaria, a home modification specialist off-road named Vromos the birth of the pickup with three axle in the body of the Toyota Hilux.
Toyota Hilux 6x6 by Vromos and Overdrive. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1XkB1SO)
The main modifications made to the chassis in order to use the six wheels. Bodi then converted into longer adjust the suspension while the rims and the tires worked well prepared to "scratching the ground".
Dashboard and interior view of Toyota Hilux 6x6. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1XkB1SO)
Not just the appearance, but the inside also got a touch. Hilux faces now may be intimidating but in the cabin was felt to be cool and elegant. Electronically adjustable front seats and most of the Hilux interior is synonymous with the work car changed with Alcantara leather and customized by Overdrive.
Left side view of Toyota Hilux 6x6. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1XkB1SO)
Hilux with a performance like this is actually not the first carried out, the previous modifiers Icelandic origin, Artic Truck, also had similar work. Artic Truck is the team who designing the Hilux for Top Gear while conquering the North Pole. In other countries, Kahn Design of England, also had already made a 6X6 models of the Land Rover Defender. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | WORLDCARFANS]
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Good fats are essential for consumption

Most people assume the fat is a bad thing to be avoided. Fat is considered to cause obesity and cause various diseases. However, not all fats having an adverse effect on the body, such as omega 3 and omega 6.

According to the Chairman of the Pergizi Pangan Indonesia, Prof Dr Ir H. Hardinsyah MS, that the omega 3 and omega 6 are the polyunsaturated type of fat that can not be produced by the body. Thus, this type of fat, it is very important for the body.
The image of fat cells. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1kGdpwb)
"This type of fat is important for the body, especially for the development of the child. Because, is forming tissues and cells of the body, "he said at the cooperation event of Blue Band and TP PKK Jakarta, on ​​November 10, 2015.

Furthermore, he said that the omega 3 is the most important, in fact only consumed as much as 39% of the WHO recommendations. Besides important to support optimal growth of the child, omega 3 and 6 have many benefits for the health of the body.

"If we Consume it, can make hair and skin becomes shiny, glowing eyes, can improve the brain's ability to remember, it is important for the quality of a good heart, so good for female hormone and virility," said Prof Hardinsyah further.

Omega 3 and omega 6 can be obtained from various sources of food, ranging from salmon, tuna, palm oil, eggs, tempe, tofu, green vegetables, avocado and margarine that contain omega 3 and omega 6.

Prof. Hardinsyah added to foods containing high omega 3 and omega 6, but it is costly such as tuna and salmon, can be replaced by eating eel. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC INDONESIA]
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Two Honda retro-modern motorcycle concepts

Honda continues to explore the desires of consumers of motorcycle sport. In addition to carrying the latest motorcycles, they also handed over two concepts which have a touch of vintage at the EICMA Show 2015, Milan, which held November 19 to 22, 2015. They are Honda CB4 and Honda Six50.
Honda CB4 concept. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1MqAhsv)
Both are built from the CB650F and CBR650F, and designed by the Honda European's Research and Development (R&D). No information could be extracted, only the concepts are on display and ask for the visitors opinion to be decided soon be produced or not.

The first concept motorcycle is Honda CB4, using a 649 cc 4 cylinder engine. This model looks modern with a simple tank but had a muscular impression. Overhung four neck exhaust simplified into two large holes on the right side of the body.
Rear side view of Honda CB4 concept. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1MqAhsv)
Its main frame and supporting frame is identical with the CB650F, as well as footrests. Recognizable characteristic of this model is the use of a pair of air scoops and radiator protectors made of carbon fiber.

On the whole body is clean, including the handlebars using vintage round rearview mirror. Upholstery seem short and hanging. Single swing arm completes the impression of modern-retro owned by Honda CB4.
Honda Six50 concept. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1MqAhsv)
While the second motorcycle concept, Honda put forward the scrambler concept which is the trend now. Its base is still the same, CB650F or CBR650F. From its design, this bike looks more "wild", has various components that support the out of asphalt exploration.
Rear side view of Honda Six50 concept. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1MqAhsv)
For example, a combination of off-road tires and rim radius, exhaust up, until the machine guards. Its ground clearance is also higher. Interestingly, if the competitors are quite proud of the scrambler retro, Honda succeeded in lifting it with more modern faces.

It can be seen from the selection of futuristic design of boxy LED headlight. Its looks minimalistic but modern, seen from a simple tank, following the high handlebars.
There are no plans to produce those two Honda concept motorcycles. But clearly, they managed to open the eyes that the retro must not have old-fashioned looks. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GIZMAG]
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Thursday, November 26, 2015

There's new feature for the Koenigsegg Regera supercar

Koenigsegg has announced the new feature called 'AutoSkin' for the Regera supercar. What is the Autoskin? It is a 'robotized door system', thus making this supercar not only can run very fast, but also more sophisticated.
Koenigsegg has announced the Autoskin feature for the Regera supercar. Described as a “robotized door system”, the Autoskin basically allows drivers to remotely control some of the body panels of the Regera. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1PbfnRP)
Because, with the Autoskin feature, the driver can control some of the body panels of Koenigsegg Regera such as the bonnet or doors. The manufacturer said, that the system will make Regera as a 'transformer' supercar, which rely on inbuilt hydraulic system to open every door, as well as the boot lid and the bonnet. Furthermore, the Swedish company explains drivers can use the feature when the car has been cleaned, for example.

Actually, this is not the only unique technical features on Koenigsegg Regera. It also has the world's first fully foldable, active, top-mounted rear wing which allows the rear wing can be folded into the rear body and make the car remains stable at any speed.

As is known, Koenigsegg Regera made its debut at the Geneva Motor Show 2015 and equipped with KDD system, which consists of a 5.0 liters, V8 engine and three electric motors with a total of combined power of 1,500 hp! The most powerful in the history of the manufacture of hybrid cars. As a result, acceleration from rest to a speed of 100 kph only takes just 2.8 seconds. 
There’s still no information what would be the price for the Autoskin and whether it will be offered as an optional feature for the current Regera owners. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | WORLDCARFANS]
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The Beetle successors look more stylish and modern

Finally Volkswagen officially show off the production version of Dune in the Los Angeles Auto 2015 in Torrance, California, United States (US), which held start from 18 November 2015.
2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune within 2 options, the Coupe and Convertible. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1lyE4uU)
This model was first introduced as a concept at the Detroit Auto Show 2014. Now, after a relatively closed to within one year, the production version began to be launched. VW plans to market the Beetle Dune within two options, the Coupe and Convertible.
The Coupe version of 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1lyE4uU)
In an official statement of VW on Saturday, November 21, 2015, that the VW Beetle Dune inspired the form of Baja bugs. Although it looks very eye-catching, as well as its ability. The German brand will add some "off-road" accents so that it looks more macho.
Rear side view of 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune Coupe version. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1lyE4uU)
From the images released by VW on the internet, the Dune look offers a Beetle stocky figure. By using of four 18-inches rims, bumper shapes, grille, including high ground, which supports the accent as an adventurous car.
The Convertible version of 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune at the LA Auto Show 2015. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1lDNupa)
Its rear bumper also made large and has a spoiler that still look sporty. Rear lights already use LEDs and get a modern design. In addition to a variety of color options, the convertible version of VW Beetle Dune buyer can order the color of the roof according to taste.
Right side view of 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune Convertible version. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1lDNupa)
The interior, already use sport seat models (semi bucket) with orange contrast stitching. Steering wheel and door trims layered with the black leather, so as to create a sweet blend colors.
Interior and dashboard view of 2016 Volkswagen Beetle Dune. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1lyE4uU)
Power comes comes from a 1.8-liter turbocharged four-cylinder TSI engine that delivers 170 horsepower and 184 lb-ft. of torque. The four-banger spins the front wheels via a six-speed automatic transmission, but Volkswagen hasn't published performance specifications yet.
Meanwhile, the entertainment features in 2016 Beetle Dune has VW Car-Net connectivity. This feature allows anyone in the cabin, connected with the latest infotainment systems such as Apple CarPlay, Android Auto, and MirrorLink. There is also a 6.3 inches touch-screen with a high sensitivity and wide range of features like a smartphone. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LEFTLANENEWS]
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This Iraqi Hijab skyscraper is going to break the record of Burj Khalifa

AMBS Architect has proposed a skyscraper height of more than 1 kilometer, or 1,152 meters in Basra, Iraq. This skyscraper building called The Bride. Consists of four towers that include 230 floors and is covered by 188 meters high antenna.
It consists of four towers, The Bride in Basra, Iraq will have 230 floors and is covered by the antenna as high as 188 meters. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1NFTDHG)
The anther is what will make the structure 152 meters higher than the tower design of Adrian Smith+Gordon Gill Architecture, The Kingdom Tower. To note, the Kingdom Tower in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, is currently under construction.
The Bride is designed to house offices, hotels, residential areas, commercial centres, parks and gardens, and even its own rail network across the 1,550,908 square metres of floor space. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1NFTDHG)
Meanwhile, the title of tallest building in the world today is still held by the Burj Khalifa in Dubai as tall as 830 meters. The Burj Khalifa was also designed by Smith and Gill. They collaborated with the Skidmore, Owings and Merrill (SOM) architectural firm.

AMBS Architects call The Bride as "the world's first vertical city". This tower will not only be the tallest structure but also a new breakthrough in the field of engineering and vertical transportation.
Diagram showing the space efficiency of The Bride 'Vertical City' in comparison to other to super-tall towers. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1NFTDHG)
The Bride will gather offices, hotels, apartments, commercial centers, parks and gardens. This structure is equipped with a rail network covering an area of ​​1,550,908 square meters.

"In contrast to a conventional tower, The Bride will be a place that can be enjoyed by all. Not only for those who live and work there, but also other communities," wrote AMBS Architects.

The Bride surrounded by a glass canopy on the south facade, which is referred to as "hijab". The tower offers a color complex and interesting as the public areas.

Three other tower structures designed with heigh each 724 meters, 484 meters and 61 meters. Due to these heigh, The Bride categorized as mega tall. While the building is over 300 meters tall called supertall.

The Bride also to be planned become the zero energy structure, which means that the tower will generate as much energy as is consumed. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DEZEEN]
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