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Thursday, January 18, 2024

Inside the Exotic: Manuel Olmos' Journey to the Olmos 640 R One

ONE BIG DREAMS - In the ever-evolving realm of automotive innovation, a captivating narrative unfolds, revealing hidden treasures that ignite the passion of both car enthusiasts and industry insiders. One such gem is the Olmos 640 R One, a creation born from the ingenuity of the relatively unknown French car artisan, Manuel Olmos.
The Olmos 640 R One stands as a stunning automotive supercar, a creation of Manuel Olmos, a skilled automotive craftsman hailing from Meximieux in Ain, France. (Picture from: Olmos Racing)
The journey of this exotic sports car commenced in 2011 when Olmos, armed with a unique skill set spanning electrical engineering, pneumatics, mechanics, and goldsmithing, embarked on the transformative task of sculpting a foam block in his modest garage—a block destined to metamorphose into a luxurious automobile.
The Olmos 640 R One prototype underwent development for approximately six years, involving an impressive 18,000 work hours since 2011. (Picture from: Olmos Racing)
The driving force behind Olmos' ambitious project was his perception that France lacked an iconic luxury car on par with globally renowned brands like Pagani, Zenvo, or Lamborghini. Frustrated with the frequent disappointment of concept cars never making it to production, he invested not only his skills but also a substantial €1 million of his savings to breathe life into his visionary project.
The Olmos 640 R One boasts a captivating sporty design that prioritizes safety, incorporating various components crafted from titanium, carbon, and Nomex for enhanced durability. (Picture from: EncyclAutomobile.fr)
The culmination of six years and an impressive 18,000 work hours yielded the Olmos 640 R One prototype in 2017. This automotive masterpiece boasts a titanium Nomex-carbon fiber chassis, a flat, ground-effect underfloor, and is powered by a formidable yet unspecified LS V8, delivering an impressive 640 horsepower. Adding an extra layer of intrigue is the subtle indication of an unapparent hybrid setup in the production model, potentially propelling the power output to an astonishing 1,000 horsepower.
The formidable LS V8 powering the Olmos 640 R One is discreetly positioned in the rear center, enhancing its performance. (Picture from: Olmos Racing)
The meticulous evolution of the car's design and optics, entrusted to Pascal Fotia, a skilled compatriot coachbuilder, mirrors Olmos' unwavering commitment to perfection. The vehicle, resplendent in immaculate whiteness, made its grand debut at the Époqu’auto show in Lyon, serving as a testament to Olmos' unwavering dedication and craftsmanship.
The meticulous evolution of the 640 R One's design and optics, entrusted to Pascal Fotia, a skilled compatriot coachbuilder, mirrors Olmos' unwavering commitment to perfection. (Picture from: Olmos Racing)
Despite the technical prowess and aesthetic allure of the Olmos 640 R One, its substantial price tag, commencing at €600,000 or approximately £530,000, seems to have given pause to potential buyers. Nevertheless, this financial hurdle has not dampened Olmos' spirits; he remains steadfast in his commitment to the artisanal approach to car manufacturing, envisioning each car as a unique masterpiece, preserving exclusivity and individuality.
The Olmos 640 R One resplendent in immaculate whiteness, made its grand debut at the Époqu'auto Lyon 2018. (Picture from: Olmos Racing)
The Époqu'auto Lyon 2018 emerged as a pivotal stage for Olmos to gauge public interest and potentially attract investors or partners. The response was remarkable, with a captivated audience and professionals witnessing the unveiling of this automotive marvel. The subsequent stops on the Olmos 640 R One's journey included potential appearances at the Cannes Festival and the Grand Prix du Mans.
Regrettably, as of today, updates on Manuel Olmos and his 640 R One supercar remain elusive, as if both the car and its creator have vanished from the limelight. Questions linger unanswered—was the sports car actually produced, and if so, how many units found their way into the world?
The anticipation surrounding its release has left enthusiasts hungry for news, and any information about Olmos and his creation is eagerly welcomed through the comments section below. The automotive world holds its breath, eagerly awaiting the next chapter in the extraordinary story of this French-built supercar. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | OLMOS RACING | OBSCURE SUPERCAR ON TWITTER | ENCYCLAUTOMOBILE.FR | LAVOIXDELAIN.FR | LEPROGRES.FR | FRANCE3-REGIOS.FRANCETVINFO.FR ]
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