Dreaming Car Maybe you were one who had ever watched the classic television cartoon series '
The Jetsons' which tells the story of a family in the future era. Well, when you see the following concept car as we had also seen it in the
QuirkyRides status in Twiiter, it might bring back memories of the futuristic vehicles in the cartoon series.
1957 Galileo Concept is a trully stunning jet-inspired show car of 1950s. (Picture from: QuirkyRides) |
The appearance of the unique car called the
Galileo Concept, since it was first shown to the public in 1957, is indeed very interesting and is still able to invite the admiration of those who see it today.
As quoted of Motor1, the car built by an unknown American automaker named
Joseph Galileo, then who was he?
1957 Galileo Concept is uniquely designed so that it features a jet-themed intakes that is the epitome of 1950s futuristic styles. (Picture from: Motor1) |
He's an American veterans whose entered the US Army Air Corp in 1945 and serving during its transition to the United States Air Force. The story started in the late of 1950s, when the jet-powered aircrafts, spacecraft, and rockets began to be widely known to the public. At the time, he started to draw design sketch of this jets inspirated car. |
1957 Galileo Concept is built on the frame of 1949 Ford and fiberglass bodywork by Joseph Galileo. (Picture from: Motor1) |
Then he built this dream car using a frame taken from 1949 Ford, but the fiberglass body was all made by Galileo himself. He made molds of wood and plaster and shaped the car, complete with gullwing doors. The shape of the bumper is uniquely designed so that it features a jet-themed intakes that is the epitome of 1950s futuristic style on the front, then the car is powered by an
Oldsmobile 'Rocket' V8 engine that's such a perfect match in both name and technology for the car
. |
1957 Galileo Concept is powered by an Oldsmobile 'Rocket' V8 engine. (Picture from: Motor1) |
The fact is the prototype was never completed with its interior is still bare empty, and as you can be seen there are missing components on the exterior too. Sadly, Galileo passed away in 2010, leaving the car as you see it now and never had a chance to see his concept fully finished.
As quoted of
Hemmings, in 2018, this car has been sold for an unknown price after had been seen on a list of cars sold by
Undiscovered Classics, an autodealership based in Tampa, Florida. Now we can only hope that the new owner of the car can finish the job left by Joseph Galileo well and be willing to show it to all of us.😐
*** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | QUIRKYRIDES | HEMMINGS | MOTOR1 ]Note: This blog can be accessed via your smart phone.
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