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Monday, August 24, 2020

The world's most weird three-wheeler ever

If we look closely, there are so many strange vehicles that have been made. Yes, it is very strange or unexpected and might make us think for a moment, why the automotive manufacturer can make it? Like this antique three-wheeled vehicle under Scoot Sociable brand made by a Bradford-based automotive company named Scott Autocar Company.
1921 Scoot Sociable Tricar is the world's most weird three-wheeler ever. (Picture from: https://bit.ly/3fXk0hR)
How could it not be strange? If the conventional way to make a three-wheeled vehicle is by positioning 2 wheels at the front or back and the other wheel mounted in the center at the other, right? However, the British auto manufacturer made it with slightly different construction, ie by positioning 2 wheels in parallels like a motorcycle and the other is like the sidecar wheel positioned.
The construction of Scoot Sociable Tricar by positioning 2 wheels in parallels like a motorcycle and the other is like the sidecar wheel positioned. (Picture from: https://bit.ly/3fXk0hR)
This is understandable because Scott Sociable is basically a brand of motorcycles and sidecars for military purposes. Or in other words, it could be said this three-wheeler once a military purposed motorbike and sidecar that designed to carry heavy guns which then is converted into a civilian version and draped in a car body.
Blue-print images of Scoot Sociable Tricar construction detail. (Picture from: https://bit.ly/3fXk0hR)
As a result, after the brand made a three-wheeled vehicle, suddenly it looks weird as if unstable. If you are still confused then the fastest way to understand this unusual three-wheeler is to see it as a motorcycle with sidecar were draped in a car body.
1921 Scoot Sociable Tricar was powered by Scott’s own built 578cc water-cooled, two-cylinder, two-stroke engine linked to a 3 speed gearbox with no reverse. (Picture from: https://bit.ly/3j9in2u)
It was powered by the company’s own built 578cc water-cooled, two-cylinder, two-stroke engine linked to a 3-speed gearbox with no reverse. The car itself had a wooden body mounted on a steel chassis.

These unusual look vehicles debuted at the 1920 Olympia Motorcycle Show and built between 1921 and 1925. But seems was no success, probably due to its inherent layout considered unstable and odds. However, during the periods, as many as 110 or so were sold of which 5 still remain. Unfortunately, the company folded in 1925.šŸ˜¢

In our opinion, it was worthy to be one of the weirdest three-wheelers ever. What do you think? *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | PROGRESS | THEPETROLSTOP.COM]
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