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Saturday, June 1, 2013

Track the Bornean clouded leopard

Although difficult to find and track the Bornean clouded leopard (in Bahasa Indonesia called "macan dahan") in Kutai National Park or (Taman Nasional Kutai/TNK) that known as one of this endangered species habitat. Some photos taken from the camera traps was prove that the animals which lived in lowland forests in East Kalimantan was urgently need of protection from the hands of forest encroachers and poachers.
The Bornean clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi). (Picture from: http://www.tribunnews.com/)
In late February, 2013, researchers reveal the findings of this animal. More than a hundred the camera traps were installed for 40 days was able to record various types of animals that live in the conservation area, including the Bornean clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi). The camera traps installed in an area of ​​1.5 square kilometers in prevab area at TNK-Sangatta site, was recording two Bornean clouded leopards.

"We believe there are more than that, we will follow up this study with installing ourown camera traps," said Hernowo Supriyanto, Head of TNK Region I Sangatta.

Despite already knowing the clouded leopard in the area, until now Hernowo not know population of the animals. Previous research has not been able to be used as the basis of counting the number of this animals.

He hopes the new findings may encourage efforts to protect the conservation area's continued existence is threatened. Because instead of hunted animals, and clouded leopard is relatively safe from poachers target. "But risks remain, especially animals like this is strange and beautiful looks," said Hernowo.
The image of Bornean clouded leopard (Neofelis diardi) that caught by camera trap. (Picture from: http://www.humabetang.web.id/)
The Bornean clouded leopard is the largest cat in Borneo, with a stocky body and weighs between 12-25 kg and a length of about 90 cm. The big cat has 2 inch long fangs, in proportion to the skull, this is the longest canine teeth than cats that still exist today. Its tail can grow throughout the body, and is useful to help balance the body.

Fur pattern shaped like an irregular oval with the side edges are black, which is inside of it there are black dots (this is a special feature that distinguishes from its close relatives, the Malaya Clouded Leopard/Neofelis nebulosa). On a layer of hair on its body has spots that are shaped like clouds which then gave him the name of the Clouded leopard in English. With the typical color of body pattern, really helped when it was doing camouflage, so the animal is very difficult to found in the forest.

Animal's behavior to date is also not widely known. The Bornean Clouded leopards are estimated solitary creatures, have the habit of hunting on the ground also known as the arboreal animals (the animals that spend their time in the trees) and used its skills in climbing to hide when in danger. And its habitat is on the Sumatra and Borneo.
Not a lot of research on this carnivore lifestyle, except that the home range up to 5 square kilometers. National parks also do not know the habitat location of the animals.

To be able to meet with these rare animals during the day may be highly dependent on good fortune, because these animals are included in the animals that are active at night or nocturnal animals.

Hernowo could not confirm the age of the Bornean clouded leopard that caught on camera of British researchers, Susan Cheyne. He estimated the size of the clouded leopard is almost as big as adult goats. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | HUMA BETANG | FIRMAN HIDAYAT | KORAN TEMPO 4235]
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