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Showing posts with label Astronomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astronomy. Show all posts

Sunday, February 28, 2016

Two giant planets lurking behind Pluto

According to a study titled "Extreme Trans-Neptunian Objects" (ETNOs), which published in the journal Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society Letters, at least two planets with a size larger than Earth, thought to be hiding in our solar system, precisely behind Pluto.

Planet X and Planet Y, so the two giants was named were the two of 13 extreme objects beyond Neptune's orbit trajectory. If these findings can be verified, it will change the general knowledge about our solar system that says there is no other planet beyond Neptune.
Astronomers in Spain believe Pluto (pictured) has yet another unusual feature - the world may be harbouring two supersized planets just out of reach of our telescopes. Researchers at the Complutense University of Madrid have found some strange patterns in the rocky objects around Pluto. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1XORZX)
Research held by the astronomers at the University of Cambridge and the University of Madrid were finding that the orbit of the object is different from the dozens of theories about the planet's orbit known so far.

"The exact number we do not know, because of the very limited data, but our calculations show that there are at least two planets, and probably more, within our solar system," said Carlos de la Fuente Marcos, a scientist from the University of Madrid, which is engaged in that research.

According to the theory, the objects were supposed have a distance just 150 astronomical units from the Sun and the tilt of 0 degrees. The Earth's distance from the Sun is equal to 1 astronomical unit.
But two objects suspected as the planet estimated have a distance of 200 astronomical units from the Sun and have a size 10 times larger than the planet on which we live. However the researchers say more research is needed to confirm the presence of the two bodies suspected as the planets. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCE]
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Monday, January 25, 2016

Scientists may find the Planet Nine

One of the scientists responsible for the demotion of Pluto and is no longer considered a planet in our solar system, may have found a replacement for the planet.

Two astronomers from the California Institute of Technology, Mike Brown and Konstantin Batygin have arranged a series of numbers and say they believe you have discovered a giant planet that is located too far away to be reached by the Sun's gravity.
An artist's rendering shows the distant view from "Planet Nine" back towards the sun, in this handout photo provided by the California Institute of Technology (Caltech) in Pasadena, California, Jan. 20, 2016. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1NkFUp0)
Scientists say they have not seen the planet but it has been found that there is something they call "an eccentric distant planet" now promotes small group of objects in the solar system.

The scientists know - from the effects of gravity - the planet is very large, at least 10 times larger than the earth, or almost as big as Neptune.

This planet yet to be named but it is said that the planet can be seen through a telescope in the coming years. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VOA NEWS]
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Saturday, January 16, 2016

In 2030 ESA will build the first Human colony in Moon

Tales about the existence of a land on the Moon turned out to be a myth. When the first time set foot on the Moon on July 21, 1969, human ensure that the Earth's satellite was dry. There's no rabbits especially goddesses inhabiting it.

However, with the science and technology almost makes everything possible. Including, to makes the barren Moon as a human habitation.
Foster+Partners is part of a consortium set up by the European Space Agency to explore the possibilities of 3D printing to construct lunar habitations. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1PzbDcj)
The European Space Agency (ESA) revealed the plans to build a human base on the Moon. Amazingly, a program called 'Moon Village" will be built with the help of three-dimensional (3D) printing technology. The forward base will help humans to explore the galaxy and the universe.

Not necessarily sent the humans to there. The plan, the robot will be the first landed on the Moon, to prepare the Moon's surface to be inhabited by humans. A number of the base concept designs has also been made.

In the future, the astronauts can use the Moon to explore other celestial bodies like Mars - NASA's main target. Previously, the water was found in the surface of the Red Planet, which further fueled speculation alien presence there.
ESA suggests the target of colonies on the Moon in the 2-day conference, titled 'Moon 2020-2030 - A New Era of Coordinated Human and Robotic Exploration' was held at the European Space Research and Technology Centre in Noorwijk, Netherlands. The conference, which followed 200 scientists and experts discussed human leap in the future in terms of exploration of outer space.

Kathy Laurini of a NASA scientist optimistic, the ESA's base on the Moon would be a stepping stone for astronauts to be sent to Mars.

"ESA's space exploration strategy is to make the Moon as a priority goal, which can be used as a stepping stone for a human to Mars," as she told the SPACE.com, as quoted by News.com.au on Monday, January 4, 2016.

"And talk about the 'Moon Village' generate positive energy in Europe - which plays an important role in the scenario of human exploration of the universe," added Laurini.
In 2013, ESA conducted a serial of tests about the possibility of using the Moon soil as a 'building materials' for the manufacture of the human base. With the help of three-dimensional printers - that process the materials to be used as a dome, which protects humans there from space radiation.

"3D printing technology can be used to produce an overall structure," said Laurent Pambaguian, the project leader. "Our industrial team is investigating whether the technology could be used to build habitats on the Moon." *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NEWS.COM.AU]
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Thursday, December 31, 2015

Russian rocket parts causing a fireball in the sky

Russian rocket burning while entering the Earth's atmosphere on Tuesday night, December 22, 2015 caused quite a stir in the social media and fueled speculation about what caused the flash of light that glides over the western American space.
Russian rocket burning when entering the Earth's atmosphere on Tuesday night, December 22, 2015 were seen in the sky of Arizona, Nevada and California. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1OoNUpN)
The officials of US and Russia refused to discuss to what the rocket was launched, but several experts outside the government said the rocket was part of an effort to bring some material to the space station. They said the body of the rocket was apparently separated from the part that contains the shipment to the space station and burned when it began to orbit.

Space debris expert who is also a director of the Union of Concerned Scientist, David Wright, told the Associated Press that "it is not something to worry about."

Fireball seen in the sky that looked Arizona, Nevada and California that are part booster rocket from the Russian SL-4, which was launched today on Monday, December 21, 2015, said Julie Ziegenhorn, a spokesman for US Strategic Command. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ABC 7 NEWS]
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Sunday, December 27, 2015

NASA delays launch of InSight mission to Mars

National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) decided to postpone the launch of the mission of Interior Exploration using Seismic Investigations Geodesy and Heat Transport (InSight) to Mars previously planned in March 2016.

"The conclusion is that we are not ready to launch in 2016," said John Grunsfeld of the NASA Science Mission Directorate in Washington.
This artist's concept from August 2015 depicts NASA's InSight Mars lander fully deployed for studying the deep interior of Mars. (Picture from: http://go.nasa.gov/1QWBquy)
The decision was taken following the failure of attempts to fix a leak in one part of the instrument Seismic Experiment for Interior Structure (SEIS), a seismograph of the Centre National d'Etudes Spatiales (CNES) of France.

Equipment designed to measure the movement of land as small as the diameter of an atom that requires a vacuum seal around three sensor against harsh environmental conditions of Mars.

The device leaking in earlier this year, which has prevented seismometer maintaining vacuum conditions, has been repaired. But in testing at extreme cold temperatures (-45 degrees Celsius) on Monday, the instrument failed again to maintain the vacuum conditions.

NASA officials stated there was not enough time to finish the handling of other leaks, and that a complete and thorough examination is needed to ensure the success of the mission.

"This is the first time the instrument as sensitive as it is made. We are very close to success, but an anomaly occurs, which requires further research. Our team will find a solution to overcome, but it will not be resolved for the time of the launch in 2016," said Marc Pircher, Director of CNES Toulouse Space Centre.

InSight spacecraft built by Lockheed Martin have been shipped to Vandenberg Air Force Base in California on December 16, 2015. With the delay in the planned launch in 2016, the spacecraft will be returned to the Lockheed facility in Denver.

John Grunsfeld of NASA's Science Mission Directorate in Washington said a decision about the next plan will be made in the coming months.

"One thing is clear: NASA still fully committed to scientific discovery and exploration of Mars," he said. He said that studying the interior structure of Mars has been a goal of high priority for planetary scientists since the Viking era.

The InSight reasearch mission on the Red Planet interior is designed to increase understanding of how the rocky planets, including Earth, formed and changed and according to Bruce Banerdt, a Researcher InSight at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena, California.

"Mars maintain evidence about the early development of rocky planets, which has been erased on Earth, with a lack of internal struggle. Getting information about the core, mantle and crust of Mars is a top priority for planetary science, and InSight are built to achieve it," he said as quoted by NASA's official website. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NASA]
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Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Hubble revealed a similar picture of the Star Wars lightsaber in the space

It seems the world is currently hit by an outbreak of the Star Wars movie. Coinciding with the release of the "Star Wars: The Force Awakens" movie, the NASA's space telescope, Hubble taken amazing photograph of space landscape resembling "the double-bladed lightsaber".
Herbig-Haro Jet HH 24. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1mzo3pb)
NASA's Hubble Space Telescope
 (Picture from: http://imagine-hawaii.com/)
It located in the center of the photo, in the dark dust that looks like a Jedi robe, a new star emit a twin-light into space like a birth announcement to the universe.

"Science fiction has inspired many generations of scientists and engineers, not to mention the Star Wars movie," said John Grunsfeld, an astronaut as well as officials at NASA Science Mission Directorate, as reported by ScienceDaily.

"Nothing is as powerful as the Hubble in bringing the motivation of science because of the space telescope uncover the mysteries of the universe."

The space lightsaber is not located in a far away galaxy, it is still in our galaxy, the Milky Way. It is in the basic turbulent birth of new stars known as Orion B, a complex molecular cloud that located 1,350 light years away.

When stars formed in the giant clouds of cold hydrogen molecular, some of the surrounding materials to collapse influenced by gravity and then formed a flattened disk that surrounds the new star.

Although later the planets would be frozen on the disc, the protostar's early rounds, it devoured the disc with an appetite like one of the Star Wars movie characters, Jabba.

Gas from the disc go into the star candidates and swallowed with gusto. Super hot material ejected from the star to the opposite directions in the axis of rotation of the star.

The boundary between the pressure caused by the explosion or "shock front" formed along the jets and heating the surrounding gas to thousands of degrees Fahrenheit.

Emanations then collide with gas and dust around and empty space, like the flow of water is sprayed to sweep the dunes. Shock front matted clump nebula and are collectively called Herbig-Haro objects (HH).

On the right side the cloaked star, a pair of light shoots is the new star that stands out and shows their lightsaber dim - including one that bore a tunnel through the clouds towards the upper right side of the image.

Overall, a handful of HH jets have been found in this region in the bright light, and the numbers are almost the same as the Hubble infrared observations.

These new stars are an ideal target for the next NASA's space telescope, James Webb, who will have a larger vision infrared waves to look further into the dust around stars that recently formed. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCEDAILY]
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