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Thursday, April 27, 2023

Once upon a time there's 'una Vespa' on the streets...

Right-engine greetings!
Dear, our fellow of the Vespa fans all-over the world.

Did you know by now that the Vespa, one of the Piaggio-owned brands celebrates its 77th anniversary this year (2023)? What started out as an idea to help the Italian people to travel easily and affordably way back in April 23, 1946 turned into a giant in the motorcycling industry as well as being one of the world's fashion icons.
We're proud to be one of the Vespa scooter riders....Happy 77th Anniversary of Piaggio Vespa. (Picture from: Pinterest)
During its 77-long years of tenure in the world's motorcycle industry has led this Italian company to produce a large number of different Vespa scooter models. We wanted to join in on celebrating this historic moment, as many of his fans around the world have done (as an illustration, like those giant Vespa carried by another Vespa in the parade of allegorical floats during the Carnival in Turin, in 1954).
One of the Indonesian Vespa enthusiasts rides proudly his lovely Vespa Super somewhere in the country. (Picture from: KomunitasVespaIndonesia)
These are my Lovely Duo Vespas.
(Taken from my personal collection)
There are so many Vespa-brand scooter models worth mentioning and many of them are also then built in such a way as to become a unique custom vehicle figure which is of course far different from the original ones.

In Indonesia, the Vespa scooter remains one of the favorite two-wheeled vehicles used by all groups of all ages. Although now Piaggio as the Vespa scooter manufacturer as well as the brand owner has produced many kinds of modern scooters, users and fans of classic scooters are still not diminishing.

Uuups... these are my Vespa.
(Taken from my personal collection)
And in our beloved country, amongst Vespa scooter enthusiasts are known a slogan that describes how close we are to one another, namely "Satu Vespa, Berjuta Saudara" (One Vespa, Millions Brothers.) 😀

That's mean if You having trouble with your Vespa in the streets (in Indonesia off course), and saw by the other Vespa owner who passing by. It's guarenteed, they will be help You immedietly. Due to we're all brothers and bonding each other through these Italian wasps wherever you are.👍

How about in your place?

Though the Vespa's anniversary had passed few days, but on this occasion let We say, 

Happy 77th anniversary of Vespa, the Italian wasp... 💋

We're proud to be one of the Vespa scooter riders... 💋
We're proud to be one of the Vespa scooter riders (in pictured, the Indonesian scooter enthusiasts while celebrating Indonesia Mods Mayday 2019) - Happy 77th Anniversary of Piaggio Vespa. (Picture from: GilaMotor)
Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of the two-wheeled monster and stay alive with true safety riding. May God will forgive Your sins and so does the cops.....*** [EKA [24042021] | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | FACEBOOK | TWITTER ] 
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