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Monday, May 13, 2013

The Rain repellent Car headlight

Researchers from Carnegie Mellon University in the United States made a prototype of "repellent" rain car light. With the lights, heavy rains that often obstruct the driver's view, not an obstacle again later.

The general car lights use a bulb as street light. When the weather is clearly, the light bulbs were fired directly into the street and is reflected back to the driver. From inside the car, the road looks bright so that the driver can control the car properly.

Another story if you have to drive while it rains heavy. Light bulbs will be greeted by the "curtain" formed by the rain drops. The light curtain blocking the driver's view so that he had to drive the car in the low visibility.
The rain repellent car headlight. (Picture from: http://www.autoblog.com/)
In the future, the lights will work using the projector principle that is in charge of lighting the way and rescue the driver from the raindrop light reflection. The advanced firing lamp is equipped with projector lamp, camera, splitter beam, and a processor. "The highway will be safer, and the driver free from stress," said Srinivasa Narasimha, a computer and electronic researcher at the Robotics Institute, Carnegie Mellon University.

The designer who made this lamp in a compact container. Projector light fired on the front of car. The raindrops will reflect the light into the camera which are in the side of the projector. The rain drops movement sent to the processor that predicted its falling location. And computers will remove the rain drops image and displays the camera view through a monitor. Then the driver will see the sights that are free from the rain drops curtain. "This process is done within 13 milliseconds," he said.
Despite already having a prototype, Narasimha said there are still several obstacles that must be overcome. Until now, he still perfecting the ability of raindrops curtain removal when the wind impacted, turbulence, and the car vibrations. He was not sure when the product can be launched into the market. But Intel, the processor companies co-finance this research, hope this innovative lights shoot could go on sale within the next decade. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | CNET | AUTOBLOG | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 4216]
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