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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

The Nuclear Batteries a step closer

Good news comes in the face of an energy crisis. Experts at the particle accelerator lab in Germany found a way to trap the energy produced by radioactive material. The energy is stored in a small container which became the nuclear batteries forerunner.

The radioactive isotopes studied were bismuth-212. Atom has a character splitting into half portions (called a half-life) in 60.5 minutes. Because too rapidly divide, researchers examined the potential difficulty of this atom.

In this study, researchers created bismuth ions with atomic nuclei crash. Bismuth ions then funneled into a ring-shaped container that acts as a trap. In the container, bismuth played for a few minutes. Observations they do suggest the existence of charged atoms. Atom charge potentially be used as an energy source. Power arises when a negative charge is applied to the closed circuit. "These observations led researchers toward further experiments," says Phil Walker, a physics researcher at the University of Surrey, who participated in this study.
Bismuth crystal. (Picture from: http://hexus.net/)
According to him, the ring trapper serves as battery energy. If researchers can control nuclear energy, researchers also can remove as needed. It is different with the release of energy in the atomic bomb blast incident that occurred uncontrollably.

To perform the bismuth-212 isotope arrests experiments, the researchers used a particle accelerator machine that called Gesellschaft fur Schwerionenforschung (GSI) at Helmholtz Centre, which is located on the outskirts of Darmstadt, Germany.

The laboratory was founded in 1969 and has a machine that crashed nucleons at energy 2 million to 2 billion elektronvolt. The laboratory is owned by state and local governments, GSI be the discovery of Meitnerium, Hassium, Darmstadtium, roentgenium, Bohrium, and copernicium elements. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SURREY.AC.UK | ANTON WILLIAM | KORAN TEMPO 4183]
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