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Showing posts with label Astronomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Astronomy. Show all posts

Monday, October 5, 2015

Proven, the water flows on Mars today!

It's clear and irrefutable, the water flows on Mars today! Water flowed on the red planet during the summer. But if you drink the water it will cause thirst. Therefore brine.

The conclusion that water flowed on Mars at this time obtained after scientists at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) who analyzed the unique image photographed by the camera on the Mars Reconaissance Orbitter (MRO) spacecraft.
NASA reveals images of water on Mars. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1LJYPxV)
The MRO imagery showed a line pattern that increasingly recede and fan pattern on a steep cliff in the valleys and craters of Mars. The pattern is a sign of the water that flows down the valley or Recurring Slope Lineae (RSL).
An artist's rendering of the Mars Reconaissance Orbitter (MRO) in action. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1LRlvfE)
Scientists do not yet know with certainty the source of the water. The water could have come from the ice below the surface, a source of salt water in the aquifer layer, or is the result of condensation of the thin Martian atmosphere.
Dark narrow streaks called recurring slope lineae emanate out of the walls of Garni crater on Mars. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1LJYPxV)
"(It's Clear), there is a liquid water on the surface of Mars today," said Michael Meyer, head of NASA's space exploration program. "Therefore, we estimate that there is an environment that supports the existence of life today."

"Mars is not a dry planet as previously thought," said Jim Green, another NASA scientist, as quoted by The Guardian on Monday, September 28, 2015.

NASA's findings indicate that the wet Mars in the past. In the 1970s, NASA photographed the Mars region allegedly is a former river and the areas that were previously located under the waters.

Then, earlier this year NASA revealed that in the past, Mars had oceans. Allegedly, the ocean it is located in the northern hemisphere.

However, a number of other findings indicate that Mars not only wet in the past but also the present. Nearly a decade ago, the Mars Global Surveyor photographed signs of flowing water on the Martian rocks.

In 2011, MRO revealed the signs of water flowing on the cliffs of Mars in late spring and early autumn. Water mark that is called RSL.

The present findings confirm that Mars today still has water. The results of chemical analysis by (color-based) spectrometric techniques show it.

Lujendra Ojha from the Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta using spektronmetri to see the reflection of infrared light from the surface of Mars when the line pattern began to emerge and when fully developed.

Research results published in the journal Nature Geoscience that revealed the existence of a hydrated salt molecules (has interacted with water) on the surface of Mars. Hydrated salt, such as chlorate and perchlorate, a clear sign of the presence of water at this time. There are four locations found water flow, which in the crater Hale, Palikir, Horowitz as well as in the Coprates Chasma valley.

Water flows along the salt molecule Mars when the temperature is higher than 23 degrees Celsius. Water is able to flow at very cold temperatures it because it has been mixed with salt so that its melting point is lower.

"The earlier mystery is what allows the salt to flow? Maybe the water but until now could not be ascertained," said Meyer.

"From this study, we revealed that the RSL is formed because of the salt that interacts with the water to form salt water that flows down the cliff," he added.

Findings the signs of flowing water on Mars today makes Scientists are increasingly convinced that Mars store in the form of microbial life. "The locations where water flows found probably the best place to look for life that still exist on the surface of Mars," said Alfred McEwen, a planetary expert at the University of Arizona who was involved in the research.
"While it is important to find life on Mars in the past, it is very difficult to understand biology. The life that exist today will be more informative," he added.

John Bridge, a professor of planetary science at the University of Leicester, said these findings could be clues to uncover the source of water. There, life can be found. He said that this findings is very interesting. "Our Mars changed now and we will continue to discuss it later," he said. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE GUARDIAN]
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Saturday, September 12, 2015

The oldest and most distant galaxies in the Universe revealed

The astrophysicists at the California Institute of Technology discovered the oldest and farthest galaxies in the universe. The galaxy is 13.2 billion years old, which was born just 600 million years after the Big Bang.

The discovery of the oldest galaxies originated from the step of Adi Zitrin and Richard Ellis who investigating data from the Hubble and Spitzer spacecraft mission earlier this year. They reveal a candidate galaxy.

The discovery of the galaxy candidates were then confirmed by the Multi-Object Spectrometer for the Infrared Exploration (MOSFIRE), the instrument in the Keck Observatory, Hawaii.

Confirmation of the spectrometer analysis that is needed to reveal the redshift, the scale is often used to indicate the distance and the age of the galaxy. Each galaxy in the universe emit the light. The further away, the light waves change when observed with the spectrometer, which is becoming increasingly red. That is called redshift.
Researchers from the California Institute of Technology believe that the discovery of the EGS8p7 galaxy, which is considered to be the oldest and most distant galaxy found, could potentially alter the established timeline of the reionization of the universe that many scientists follow. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1ObNLtU)
After confirming, Zitrin and Ellis believes that the galaxies are believed existed. They named the new galaxy as 'EGS8p7'. And finally the discovery was published in the Astrophysical Journal.

EGS8p7 galaxy has a redshift value of 8.68, higher than the previous oldest galaxies record holder who has a redshift value of 7.73. 

"The surprise of this discovery is that we managed to detect the Lyman-alpha line of the galaxy with a redshift of 8.68, indicating when the universe was filled with clouds of hydrogen," said Ellis. Lyman-alpha line is simply the footsteps of star formation in a galaxy. The existence and activities of galaxies can be detected from it.

Detection of traces of it is special because when you see the process of physical and chemical changes that occur in the universe, the trail was supposed to have been damaged or lost.

Soon after forming, the universe consists of charged particles. After about 380,000 years, the universe began to cool and rich hydrogen cloud.

EGS8p7 formed when the universe is rich in hydrogen clouds. "We suspect that most of the radiation (from EGS8p7) is absorbed by clouds of hydrogen. In fact, we still detect it now," said Zitrin.

According to `Sirio Belli, a student who involved in the research said that the anomalies that may occur because of EGS8p7 so bright. "The galaxy we observed, EGS8p7 is very bright and may have many unusual hot stars," he said as quoted from Gizmodo on Sunday, September 6, 2015. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | GIZMODO]
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Monday, September 7, 2015

Pluto possibility of saving lives under the surface

Pluto may save the life beneath its surface. Physicists from the University of Manchester, Brian Cox, said that based on the observation New Horizon spacecraft passing near the dwarf planet last month.

Cox said information about Pluto that had been sent to Earth has given great hope Pluto is capable of supporting life. Pluto's surface is rich in mountains of ice, it is impossible for life to be there. But under the surface may keep the ocean warm enough for a flourishing life.
This artist's impression of NASA's New Horizons spacecraft encountering Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, is seen in a NASA image from July 2015. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1RvzXhj)
Cox says, "New Horizon" shows you possible ocean beneath the surface of Pluto, which means, if our understanding of life on Earth right, you can see the life there (Pluto).

Until now, not much is understood about the object to be kicked out of his position as a planet in 2006. Overall the data obtained from the New Horizon, only 5 percent are sent to Earth.
The image of an area near the Pluto's equator, revealing a surprise; The young mountain range as high as 3,500 meters above the surface of the ice body. Mountains probably formed no more than 100 million years ago. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1KLSdOO)
Next week, there will be more data is received. Although the data have yet to be sufficient to prove the existence of the ocean below the surface of Pluto, let alone the existence of life.

However, by looking at the moons around Jupiter and Saturn that has been shown to have subsurface oceans, the Pluto seas is very possible. Cox warned, though life may exist on Pluto, its shape may be very different from the Earth. Not that fish and marine plants there.

"What science tells us is that complex life is rare. We are physically very insignificant and may be very valuable," he said as quoted by The Independent on Monday, August 31, 2015. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE INDEPENDENT]
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Friday, August 14, 2015

A comet riding Robot approaches the Sun.

The space scientists are looking forward with great anticipation because today a riding comet laboratory robot is heading the Sun.

The robot, named Philae landing on Comet 67P November last year and its parent laboratories, Rosetta, orbiting nearby. Scientists hope the mission will help them find a more distant origin of the universe.
Still image from animation of Philae separating from Rosetta and descending to the surface of comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, Nov. 2014. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1NpsM4h)
Next Thursday, Comet 67P will reach its closest distances to the Sun, which is 186 million kilometers from the Sun. The heat of the Sun has made the comet's surface hot for weeks to catapult the particles of gas and dust. The sensors at Philae and Rosetta will analyze the particles of rare molecules, in particular that may be hidden under a layer of a comet that is usually filled with ice.

Because of the great distances, scientists may have to wait weeks or even months until the data sent back to Earth.

As we are knew, The Rosetta mission was launched March 2, 2004 by the European Space Agency from its base in French Guyana.  It arrived at the comet in August 2014. When the robot lab landed, it bounced into a ditch where it was in shadow and not able to recharge its batteries.  It was able to send data before going into standby mode.

As the comet neared the sun the lab's batteries recharged and in June it sent a two-minute message.  But since July 9 Philae has been silent. As Comet 67P leaves its close encounter with the sun, Rosetta will try to re-establish communications with the lab.  Ground teams will be keeping their fingers crossed. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VOANEWS]
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Sunday, July 26, 2015

The reasons of Uranus's weird sideways orbit

In the Solar System, each planet shaft rotation more or less pointing toward the north sky, such as the Earth's axis. However Uranus, the seventh planet in our Solar System is different. This planet moves in space by tilted rotating on its axis of rotation which is almost on the level of its orbit. Uranus has an axis slope of almost 90°, ie 82°08'.
Uranus. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1fqSj1C)
One explanation for this odd state is Uranus tilted compelled in the past, when an other celestial bodies collided. Remnants of this devastating collision may have formed the moons and the rings of the planet then. However, the Voyager 2 mission did not find any evidence to support those theory or propose another theory.

Stages that support the theory that there is a collision of celestial bodies:
1. Powerful Collision
Planet Uranus growing much in the past hit by a planet-sized celestial bodies, about the size of Earth. Collision occurred at the near one pole of the planet Uranus so it becomes skewed.

2. Cloud Crunch
Violent clash tilt Uranus and crushes its impactor so that planet shrouded BY cloud of water vapor and crushed stone.

3. Cloud becomes the Rings 
Water vapor cloud, rock, and gas that envelops Uranus slowly organize themselves into orbit around the planet's equator. This orbiting finally crumbled into rings and moons of Uranus.

4. Uranus 

The Voyager 2 spacecraft discovered two thin rings in addition to nine rings which can be seen from Earth. It was also found 10 tiny Moons in addition to the five Moons of which have been previously known. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NATIONAL GEOGRAHIC]
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Saturday, July 25, 2015

The most Earth-like planet found

A group of planets discovered by the NASA's Kepler space telescope which contained a planet that have characteristics similar to Earth named Kepler-452b.

Kepler-452b perform orbit the star at a distance equal to the radius of the Earth to the sun, though the planet is 60 percent larger than the Earth. And the scientists believe this is the most Earth-like planet so far.
This artist's rendition provided by NASA shows the Kepler space telescope. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1uDwr4x)
Planet like this attracted the attention of astronomers because its size is quite small and the temperature is cold enough to store water on its surface, so it is likely to support life.
The orbital period of Kepler-452b is very similar to that of Earth. (Picture from: http://bbc.in/1ejIrps)
NASA-led science, John Grunsfeld, said that this new world is the most similar to Earth so far.
Scientists said that Kepler-452b might be entering a runaway greenhouse phase. (Picture from: http://bbc.in/1ejIrps)
Leader of the Kepler data analysis at NASA Ames Research Center in California, John Jenkins, adding, "It is truly an honor to convey this message to you today. There is a new kid in this place who just moved in next door."
Artist's impressions of exoplanets discovered by Kepler, alongside Earth. From left: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, the just announced Kepler-452b, Kepler-62f, Kepler-186f and, finally, our planet. (Picture from: http://bbc.in/1ejIrps)
This new planet joined with other like exoplanet such as Kepler-186f that have many similarities with our Earth. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC]
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Thursday, July 16, 2015

Pluto larger than expected

The day before New Horizons spacecraft perform historic flight across Pluto, experts announced on Monday, July 13, that NASA spaceprobe has been able to establish the size of Pluto.

Measurements by the spacecraft will cross Pluto indicates that the Pluto radius extends along of 1,185 kilometers, with an error margin of +/- 6 miles (10 km). This is 32 to 48 kilometers greater than previously thought. 

Pluto is now officially bigger than Eris, one of hundreds of thousands of mini-planets and comet-like objects circling beyond Neptune in a region called the Kuiper Belt. The discovery of this region in 1992 prompted the official reclassification of Pluto from planet to "dwarf planet.".
This Saturday image provided by NASA shows Pluto from the New Horizons spacecraft. On Tuesday NASA's New Horizons spacecraft will come closest to Pluto. New Horizons has traveled 3 billion miles over 9½ years to get to the historic point. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1RvABeX)
Alan Stern, Head of the research team says, this means Pluto has a density lower than previously projected, which could mean Pluto interior contains more ice.
This artist's impression of NASA's New Horizons spacecraft encountering Pluto and its largest moon, Charon, is seen in a NASA image from July 2015. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1RvzXhj)
NASA's New Horizons trip along the nearly 5 billion kilometers for 9 years will reach its peak on Tuesday, July 14, 2015 ie reaches a distance of 11,000 kilometers from Pluto. According to NASA, the possibility of failure is only 0.0001%, such as when an spacecraft crashed into outer space debris. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | VOA NEWS]
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Wednesday, July 15, 2015

What are the Mysterious Spots in Pluto's equator?

When snaps on Pluto from a distance, a spacecraft belonging to the National Aeronautics and Space Administrasion (NASA), the New Horizon reveal amazing phenomenon in those dwarf planet. When the spacecraft pointing its camera and taking images of Pluto, New Horizon find a large dark region near Pluto's equator, dubbed "the whale", and a roughly heart-shaped bright area spanning 2,000 km.
An image of NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1grgii0)
What are those mysterious spots actually? Until now, scientists have not been able to answer it. New Horizon will reveal once successfully passed one of the farthest object in the solar system. New Horizon will arrive at Pluto's orbit on July 14, 2015. When it arrived, the vehicle was launched in 2006 it will be moving at a very fast speed ie 14 kilometers per second.
Just-released images from NASA’s New Horizons spacecraft, which is approaching Pluto, show the two hemispheres of the planet along with its moon, Charon. The right image shows the ring of spots that have mystified scientists. (Picture from: http://ti.me/1SicueL)
The spacecraft will photograph and take in as much data environment while exploring Pluto and its moons. "We'll get the 500 times better picture on next Tuesday when we passed in the shortest distance," said John Spencer of the Southwest Research Institute in Colorado involved New Horizon mission as quoted by the BBC on Thursday, July 9, 2015.
The image combines information gathered from two of the craft's cameras on July 7. (Picture from: http://bbc.in/1JSAdmD)
By shooting at closer distances later, may those mysterious spots puzzle in the Pluto that newly photographed is resolved. Currently, the best photo of Pluto with those mysterious spots was blur. Let's wait until the New Horizon at its closest distance to Pluto, which is 12,500 kilometers from the surface. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC]
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Monday, July 13, 2015

Alien allegedly living in the Comet

Who could have thought that the space with natural objects such as comets apparently could reveal the existence of aliens? This was revealed directly by spacecraft belonging to the European space agency, Rosetta.

So, how can the comet reveal evidence of alien life in outer space? It all started in August last year, which Rosetta reportedly managed to achieve the comet named 67P (Churyumov-Gerasimenko) and managed to put her in the comet's orbit.

The ESA's Rosetta spacecraft.  
(Picture from:  http://en.wikipedia.org/)
According to information reported by Softpedia on Thursday, July 9, 2015, the rocket and orbit of comet 67P reportedly made their way in the inner Solar System. Meanwhile, the latest information explaining that the rocket and the comet 67P orbit are now at about 123 million miles (198 million kilometers) from the Sun, even those moving at a speed of 33 kilometers per second.
A view of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1H2zhpu)
Rosetta recently transmited the data set and images that showing the texture parts and surface of the comet 67P. From the images shown, the comet 67P has the rocks structure similar to puzzle. Those appearance makes the scientists speculate that the surface of comet 67P does not have the usual space rocks.
A close up image of Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1H2zhpu)
European Space Agency and the Rosetta spacecraft initially was not specifically looking for is it true whether the alien life in the Comet 67P. However, since the discovery of the unusual texture of the comet, the team of scientists was even claimed that the comet was detected hide foreign microorganisms.

Max Wallis, a scientist who examined microorganisms of the comet 67P from Cardiff University and Chandra Wickramasinghe of the Buckingham Center for Astrobiology, assume that the strange appearance of comets comes from the amount of foreign microbial life that allegedly belonged to the aliens.

For now, they are doing more research about the existence of alien life in the comet. "Rosetta showed that the comet shall in no way be seen as inanimate objects are frozen, comet fact also supports the geological processes and can create a more hospitable environment for microbial life," said Wallis.

Both scientists are also analyzing if indeed there is a colony of foreign microorganisms below the surface of the comet 67P, it is predicted that such extraterrestrial alien microorganisms can evolve and produce a special compound that allows them to live at the subzero temperatures. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SOFTPEDIA]
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Thursday, July 2, 2015

NASA reveal the image of a mysterious pyramid on Mars

Curiosity rover recently sent a photo to the Earth, which shows a pyramid on the Mars. The photos were taken through camera shots of the NASA rover. At first glance, it was similar to the great pyramids in Egypt.

NASA's Curiosity Martian rover in
the surface of Mars. (Picture from:
However, some sources explained that the pyramid is actually only about the size of a car. Many also suspect that the pyramids are just some Martian rocks are unintentionally formed into triangular shape.

Suddenly, the image is instantly became hits on the internet and broadcast a variety of online media. This phenomenon is directly inviting a wide range of responses from scientists and space phenomenon enthusiasts, most of them would say that the shape of the pyramid could be evidence of an extraterrestrial life on Mars.

Another speculation came from the Paranormal Crucible channel on YouTube explaining that the pyramid is simply a result of intelligent design rather than a trick of light and shadow. as quoted from the Mirror website on Friday, June 26, 2015.
NASA’s Mars rover found what looks like the image of a Great Pyramid found back on Earth. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1KbjLNT)
This is not the first time NASA has an expedition mission to Mars and even get a photo of the mysterious pyramid. Previously, many years ago, a giant pyramid in the region named `Cydonia` been found in the Viking missions in 1976. The pyramid has almost 3 kilometers long and 1 kilometer high. This pyramid is named 'D&M Pyramid', referring to the name of two researchers, DiPietro and Molenaar.

However, although impressed complicated, it turns out geological formations such as the pyramids can also be found also on Our Earth. They are usually formed as a closed glacier or frozen because of the weather. Some examples are the Mount Assiniboine in Canada and the Matterhorn in Switzerland.
Unfortunately, all of these just an interpretation of a photographic image. One way to settle the debate about whether the pyramid is actually happening by nature is to send geologists to Mars. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | MIRROR]
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Wednesday, July 1, 2015

NASA secretly investigate the asteroids that caused apocalypse on Earth

More recently, came the news that reveal that the Earth was hit by a natural phenomenon, which has a central risk dealing with an asteroid. It is directly 
revealed by Professor Brian Cox, a scientist and astronomy researcher from the School of Physics and Astronomy at the University of Manchester.

Citing information reported by Daily Mail, Cox said that the Earth could have suffered almost doomsday event. The event here is not referring to the sound of the trumpet phenomenon that occurred some time ago, but refers to the events of the asteroids that can cross paths with the Earth.
NASA and the National Nuclear Security Administration have announced they are now working together on the possibility of destroying future hazardous asteroid using nuclear weapons. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1NarklX)
In March, there is a known bus-sized asteroid named '2014 EC' in a distance of about 61,637 km from Earth, or about one-sixth of the distance between the Moon and Earth. In fact, the asteroid is claimed is not the only asteroids that threaten the Earth.

The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) has recently also is tracking the whereabouts of 1,400 asteroids that could potentially endanger the future of Earth and is expected to reach the Earth as well as providing terrible impacts on the planet.

Serious threat of the asteroids that caused apocalypse on Earth has also been described by a former astronaut, Ed Lu. He described the asteroid as a cosmic roulette, and that can make the human race can survive serious impacts just a 'blink of luck'.

At least there are about one million asteroids life near the Earth, even, could be the presence of millions of asteroids is able to threaten the Earth. The authentic evidences of the asteroid phenomenon shown is when unknown object exploded over Chelyabinsk, Russia, with the force leveled 20-30 times of the Hiroshima atomic bomb. This is a shocking incident occurred after the Tunguska event in 1908. The Tunguska is extensive damage to forests in Siberia after an unidentified object entering Earth's atmosphere.
For about two decades, NASA constantly searching many dangerous asteroids that could threaten Earth with a size of more than 1 kilometer. NASA claims to have managed to break the 98 percent of them. However, a company that partnered with NASA, Planetary Resources, mentioned the new asteroid detector can detect only 1 percent of the objects that orbit the Sun. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Tuesday, June 30, 2015

NASA discovered the shining 'pyramid' at the Ceres asteroid

The pyramid was not only found on Earth alone. Recent research by NASA, a giant pyramid found in an asteroid. And interestingly, the pyramid was shining.

The glowing pyramid was seen from the photographs submitted by the NASA spaceprobe, "Dawn". From the pictures, the pyramid is a mountain with a peak similar to the pyramids in Egypt. And the predicted height of about 5 kilometers more, or equal to the height of Mount Blanc, the highest mountain in Europe.
Nasa scientists in California revealed images from the Dawn spacecraft. One shows a mountain the size of Mont Blanc in a relatively flat area, circled in this image. The formation and origin of the mountain remains a mystery. And images of the bizarre bright spots on the surface were also shown. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1NfKJm4)

Why the pyramid could shine?
As reported by the Daily Mail, on June 22, 2015, although it still required additional data to uncover the origin of the light, NASA assured that the light reflected by rays of the sun. The reflected light successfully because the mountain was covered in a layer of ice and salt. As a result, the mountain looks brighter than other parts of Ceres.
The mountain (seen here in another recent image) is peculiar, as there are a few other features like it in the surrounding region - or even the rest of the dwarf planet. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1NfKJm4)
"For the moment, it is unclear what causes the strong light reflection. However, I am sure when the remnants of ice and salt layer that reflects light," said Dr. Marc Rayman, a principal engineer of the Dawn spaceprobe project.
Dawn, a NASA's spaceprobe in an artist illustration. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1AcjFfG)
Ceres is an asteroid with a diameter of 950 kilometers. The asteroid discovered in 1801 is often called a dwarf planet. Ceres now revolves around the sun in the asteroit belt that lies between Mars and Jupiter. NASA scientists decided to investigate Ceres using the Dawn spaceprobe in 2012 ago. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Thursday, June 25, 2015

Revealed, Venus has active volcanoes

Scientists have long believed that Venus has volcanoes that are still active. Analyzed data collected by the Venus Express spacecraft, scientists now prove that the second closest planet from the Sun it does have volcanoes.

"We have seen a number of events in which the spots on the surface of Venus suddenly heats up and cools down," said Eugene Shalygin of the Max Planck Institute for Solar System Research.
The Venus Express orbiter has found the best evidence yet for volcanic activity on Venus. The researchers based their finding on tell-tale hot spots on Venus' surface. Pictured is an artist's impression. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1GukaE0)
There are four spots were detected scientists. Previously, scientists have known that itru spot is a region of volcanoes. However, this is the first time scientists succeeded in proving that the spot could experience significant temperature changes.

"It is the most strongest evidence today about volcanism on Venus," said Shalygin as quoted by the Daily Mail on Friday, June 18th, 2015.
Radiating our from the Venusian volcano Ozza Mons (red, center) are thousands of miles of rift zones (purple). Data from the Venus Express spacecraft suggests there are active lava flows in hotspots along the rifts. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1GukaE0)
In the spot called "Object A" which covers only about 1 square kilometer, scientists know that the temperature can reach 830 degrees Celsius, much higher than the usual temperature around 480 degrees Celsius.

Results of this study are consistent with other data from Venus Express showing signs of volcanism on Venus recently.
This Infographic provides key pieces of evidence that can be explained by recent volcanic activity on Venus.  Scientists believe Venus' volcanoes covered the planet in a cataclysmic flood of lava around half a billion years ago - and they believe these volcanoes may still be active today. (Picture from: http://dailym.ai/1GukaE0)
In 2010, a number of mountain infrared image taken by Venus Express indicates that lava once flowed from thousands to millions of years ago. A few years later, there was a surge of sulfur in the atmosphere of Venus that could be a clue that an active central volcano.

"Our study shows that Venus, our nearest neighbor, is still active and changed at this time. This step is important to understand the differences in evolutionary history of Earth and Venus," said Shalygin. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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