Bloodthirsty vampire character was found in television, feature films, and bookstores today, such as novels and films as well as the Twilight series True Blood. But drink the blood, such as what he would do Bensley, actually very dangerous. In small amounts, just a few spoons, and when the blood was free of pathogenic bacteria, blood drinking might not be anything. Actual facts, when taken, the blood is toxic. Inside the heart and blood vessels, blood is essential for life. But when blood was taken, especially in large amounts, poisoning danger was lurking.
The danger arises because blood is rich in iron, and difficult to remove excess body iron. Any animals that consume the blood on a regular basis run the risk of iron overload. Although the body needs, the iron in high doses can poison the body. Iron toxic condition called haemochromatosis, which can cause various diseases, such as liver disorders, accumulation of fluid in the lungs, dehydration, low blood pressure, and neurological disorders.
The body digests animal blood has developed a special digestive mechanisms. "Vampire bats need iron intake in large numbers, to make hemoglobin," said Katherine Ramsland, a professor of forensic psychology at DeSales University. "Intake of iron was much higher than the requirement that the bat has a special process to dispose of it."
Because humans do not have a mechanism extracting iron as vampire bats, drank the blood can kill us.*** [LIVESCIENCE | KORAN TEMPO 3639]