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The Commemoration of Indonesian Independence

Dear reader,

For the Indonesian, August holds a special significance as it marks the "sacred" month when they annually commemorate Indonesian Independence Day on the 17th.

"Tujuhbelasan" or "Agustusan" is the term used to describe the event that has become a ritual to welcome and celebrate this historic occasion among the people of Indonesia, marked by various activities.

In today's online era, "Tujuhbelasan" or "Agustusan" is also embraced with numerous activities, including creating hashtags on Twitter, where the trail of celebration remains visible until now.

You can also find various community activities that honor the peak of the struggle for Indonesian independence.

As a way to contribute as one of the nation's children who enjoy the fruits of this independence, Trussty-Jasmine proudly presents various national records through articles specifically labeled 'Indonesia'

In closing, we would like to express our gratitude to the heroes of our nation, who have selflessly sacrificed everything to secure and maintain Indonesian independence. May Almighty Allah grant them the best place by His side.

May prosperity, unity and peace always shine upon this great nation and may Almighty Allah bless Our INDONESIA forever.

Bandung, August 17th, 2024
Best regard.