Coming From The Past - It is realized or not, in fact, that the presence of a scooter that began in the early 20th century has given its own color and style to the automotive world. How not, the type of vehicle that initially only has a very simple construction, which then in such a way can develop into a vehicle with various forms (while maintaining its basic characteristics). Yes, this vehicle which later became a trend in the 1950s to 1960s and amazingly can continue to grow and survive until now.
This bright-blue gorgeous scooter was made by Paul David in 1954 and restored by his grandson Marc David in 2006. (Picture from: Pinterest) |
So it is not surprising if the scooter then arouses the passion and interest of many manufacturers and individuals around the world to make it. For example, see how unique the scooter looks as follows, it was turn out built by the skilled-hand of a French automotive lover in the 1950s. We're found this beautiful scooter for the first time on the
Pinterest page while surfing on the internet. Unique isn't it?
This bright-blue gorgeous 1954 Paul David scooter was appeared at the Club Ydral's 20th-anniversary meeting at Rochetaillée Sur Saône, on April 25, 2010. (Picture from: Tonton-Scooteurs) |
Well, might be some of you have never known or seen a two-wheeled vehicle like the one in the photo above. As quoted from
Ydral Club, It was one of the scooters that appeared at t
he Club Ydral's 20th-anniversary meeting at Rochetaillée Sur Saône, on April 25, 2010, and can be briefly explained that this little blue-colored scooter was made by
Paul David in 1954 and known as
1954 Paul David Scooter.
Marc David posed along with his father while attending the Club Ydral's 20th-anniversary meeting at Rochetaillée Sur Saône, on April 25, 2010. (Picture from: ClubYdral) |
The story began in 1954 when Paul David was 18 years old, at the time he worked in a metal factory. It said, that he intended to have a scooter and built it by himself. The entire scooter frame was made entirely of metal materials, then on that construction was installed
a Ydral 175 engine. Well, all made by hand with an 8/10 steel shell welded autogenously
After the restoration completed, this bright-blue gorgeous 1954 Paul David scooter uses Ydral 125 engine, before that used Ydral 175. (Picture from: ClubYdral) |
Then it's equipped with a rod taken from Bernardet scooter then mounted the seaters, Renault 4CV headlights, Simca indicators, and other available parts. After the body is finished then coated with cellulose layer by layer, then painted in bright blue color. Then the 140kg weighted scooter was registered and shortly after that approved by the France authorities. It could be seen on the manufacturer's plates are still there, pinned on the scooter's front apron.
After the scooter construction was completed, Paul David used it for a while, when he joined the army in 1956, the machine left in dust-covered on the garage. After he returned from military service, then he moved on and changed his life, so the scooter was left untreated since then.
The bright-blue gorgeous 1954 Paul David scooter shortly after used on a road test by Club Ydral at Corrèze on April 25, 2009. (Picture from: ClubYdral) |
In 2006, Paul David's grandson named Marc asked the scooter from his father to be restored. The restoration process took up to 2 years, while the construction lasted only one year. All parts of the body and chassis that look worn out then sanded, milled, given back chromate layer, then repainted it, by using current technical tools and facilities of them have.
This bright-blue gorgeous 1954 Paul David scooter got the additional safety features after its restoration was the turn signal mounted only on the back. (Picture from: StabilCar) |
Its lateral grilles such as the grating under the seat have been rebuilt and chrome plated. The electricity section has been rebuilt as well. The ignition has been modified to use an external coil and electronic ignition. While, the combination of spring shock absorbers with an external cylinder was chosen after various tests because it is possible, thanks to various adjustments, to adapt perfectly to the scooter characteristics.
Even the trailer has been specially made and adapted for this bright-blue gorgeous 1954 Paul David scooter. (Picture from: ClubYdral) |
As quoted from the same source, after completing the restoration, the scooter was back in its best condition once again and considered very easy to ignite and ride. There are additional features pinned on the figure of this scooter are turn signal mounted only on the back, in addition to making it ridden safer, and also to meet the eligibility as a vehicle that can be used on the highway.

As we have discussed before, in France there are also many unique and mysterious scooters when we've been seeing their figures now, such as
Proto DelaPLace,
Paul Vallée,
Boudier Super B58,
Manurhin, and Peugeot scooters, etc.
Kept spur your adrenaline on the power of the two-wheeled monster and stay alive with true safety riding. May God will forgive Your sins and so does the cops...... *** [EKA [06042020] | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LES-TONTON-SCOOTEURS | STABILCAR | CLUB YDRAL ] Note: This blog can be accessed via your smart phone
Nice one !