Wednesday, October 11, 2017

These future car can be invited to chat like your personal assistant

Have you ever heard a future driverless car? If not then it would be strange to hear and understand the words above. But wait a minute, there was a new driverless car concept because recently Volkswagen Group has introduced an autonomous car concept at Cityscape Global, Dubai some time ago.
Passengers can talk to Sedric about the destination, how to get there, the driving time, and the current traffic situation. (Picture from:
As quoted from Khaleej Times on September 11, 2017, a concept car from Volkswagen named "SEDRIC (SElf-DRIving Car)" has made its first debut in the Middle East after debuted in Geneva on March. Yes, this driverless car is a collaboration works between Future Center Europe of the Volkswagen Group in Potsdam with Volkswagen Group Research in Wolfsburg, Germany.
Front side view of Volkswagen SEDRIC Concept. (PIcture from:
These car concept focuses on future urban mobility, where the car is equipped with a unified concept for traffic on the highway. The Volkswagen Group is hoping that in the future the public will not have to worry about traveling to go and go home because the car will know your itinerary.
Left side view of Volkswagen SEDRIC Concept. (PIcture from:
However, Sedric's car is still in the development stage to the end in order to achieve a maximum result and is being prepared in a short time, Volkswagen said one of the obstacles faced is thinking about how this car can travel in a long way.
Cabin interior view of Volkswagen SEDRIC Concept. (PIcture from:
On the other hand, there are advantages of these concept car, ie has a unique feature that can be directly found by the passengers when entered into the cabin. Yes, the passengers will be able to talk to the car in personaly about the journey, such as the destination, how to get there, the driving time, and traffic conditions to be traversed. It's look a like that you talk with your personal assistant.
Rear side view of Volkswagen SEDRIC Concept. (PIcture from:
Not only that, these future car applies a large OLED display. Those screen is connected with augmented reality that is useful as a center of communication and entertainment. According to Mohamed Said as Pixonal Creative Director claims that the Sedric cars are created and designated as a Smart City Car that provides hospitality in interacting with the passengers.
Off course, it's hard to imagine what will be like the future autonomous car now. However, at least this time we already have enough illustration about will be what the car will be like. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | THE VERGE | KHALEEJ TIMES]
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