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Showing posts with label Archaeology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Archaeology. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Does this mysterious piece of metal was the proof of the aliens ever visited Earth?

According to several scientists in Romania, the discovery of an ancient metal piece touted as proof that aliens had visited our Earth about 250,000 years ago. These ancient metal pieces were discovered in Romania in 1973, when the country was still under the Communist regimes.
A piece aluminium that looks as if it was handmade is being hailed as 250,000-year-old proof that aliens once visited the Earth. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1gBUnn)
Now, after being tested at a laboratory in Lausanne, Switzerland, found that 90 percent of the ancient metal is aluminum with the age was about 250,000 years old. The object is 20 centimetres (7.8 inches) long, 12.5 centimetres (4.9 inches) wide and 7 centimetres (2.8 inches) thick.

According to records, aluminum is the metal coumpound produced by humans newly about 200 years ago. Therefore the findings of ancient aluminum was considered shocking by scientists.
In 1973, builders working on the shores of the Mures River not far from the central Romanian town of Aiud found three objects 10 metres (33 feet) under the ground. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1gBUnn)
"Laboratory test results concluded that the object is a piece of a UFO, considering that the metal content in it is not in accordance with the technology on the Earth at that time," said Gheorghe Cohal, Deputy Director of the Romanian Ufologis Association, as quoted by Daily Mail.

This mysterious ancient metal was discovered by the workers when they were building a construction on the banks of Mures River, not far from the city of Aiud. The metal was found 10 meters in the ground, side by side with the two pieces of bone.
The piece of metal was originally to be the end of an axe. And now gone on display in the History Museum of Cluj-Napoca, with a sign that reads 'origin still unknown'. But Local historian Mihai Wittenberger claims that the object is actually a metal piece from a World War II German aircraft. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1gBUnn)
And the two bones were thought to belong to a giant prehistoric mammals that died about 10,000 to 80,000 years ago. But when examined, the scientists were surprised because the metal piece is very light and apparently produced by those who already have advanced technology.

But the speculation was denied by a local historian named Mihai Wittenberger. He said the metal is one of the German aircraft parts in the World War II era. He believes that it is a piece of the landing gear from a Messerschnmitt ME 262.

The object is now on display at the History Museum of Cluj-Napoca, complete with a description that makes it even more mysterious: "origin still unknown." *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Monday, November 28, 2016

3,000 year-old mummy found intact in Luxor

A mummy in intact condition is said to date from between 1075 BC and 664 BC near Luxor in Temple of Millions of Years, Egypt. According to head of the ancient Egyptian antiquities department of the ministry, Mahmoud Afifi, the mummy came from the 21st dynasty.
Temple of Million Years in Luxor, Egypt. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1g7vNH)
This finding is claimed by Spaniard archaeologists as one of the most historic. Tomb of mummies alleged resting place of a man is estimated possibility to come from the middle period of the third dynasty up to 21st.
Pits where a 3,000 year old mummy was found in Luxor, Egypt. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1g7vNH)
"The tomb was discovered at the southern enclosure wall of the Temple of Millions of Years," said Mahmoud Afifi head of the ancient Egyptian antiquities department of the ministry, as quoted by LiveScience, on Saturday, November 19, 2016.

The mummy, bound with linen stuck together with plaster, was in a brightly coloured wooden sarcophagus buried near a temple from the era of the warrior king Thutmose III. The tomb was likely to have belonged to a nobleman named Amenrenef, who held the title of "Servant of the King's House," the ministry said.
Sarcophagus containing the mummy that has been found near Luxor. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1gBReK)
"When the temple no longer functioned, the area was used as necropolis (the large ancient cemetery with elaborate tomb monuments)," said the head of the Spaniard archaeological team Myriam Seco Alvarez. 

Alvares and her team has been working at the temple since 2008 to record inscriptions and decorations, including a solar symbol that symbolizes the Goddess Isis and Nephthys. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE | THE GUARDIAN]
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Sunday, November 27, 2016

A 5,650 years old ancient site was discovered near the Stonehenge

The existence of the Stonehenge site in England is still mysterious. Until now no one has convinced how and for what the giant boulders monument were built in Neolitthic era. However, a latest discovery is likely able to help unravel the mysteries of Stonehenge.

Yes, a prehistoric complex has been found in a city called Larkhill in Wilshire, England in about 2.4 km from the Stonehenge site. The complexes have been built around 5,650 years ago or 1,000 years earlier than the Stonehenge.
A new discovery could help shed light on why the mysterious Stonehenge was built. The large complex, found in a city around 1.5 miles (2.4 km) from the famous stone circle, is thought to date back more than 1,000 years before Stonehenge. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1g4olk)
The archaeologists estimate that these complexes are a sacred place where people in the Neolithic era performing ritual activities and party. The objects found include cattle bone, ceramic plates, as well as the remains of human bones. From these findings explained that long before Stonehenge was built, the region is often used as the place in which an ancient ritual activity took place.
The researchers, led by Wessex Archaeology, found evidence of ceramic vessels (left) and arrowheads (right). (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1g4pI0)
This discovery will certainly help solve the mystery of Stonehenge site that had been thought by scientists as the tombs or temples. Even some researchers who argue as a giant observatory in ancient times to observe the stars.

The archaeologists discovered the site accidentally, when the UK MoD is preparing for the construction of military housing complex in the region.
The Larkhill enclosure has produced freshly broken pottery, dumps of worked flint and even a large stone saddle quern (shown right) used to turn grain into flour. Antlers are shown left. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1g4pI0)
"Sites that have recently been found is one of the most exciting findings. The present finding is changing the way we think about activities of the Neolithic community around the Stonehenge," said Martin Brown, the archaeologist leader of the WYG consulting firm as quoted by the Daily Mail on Monday, November 21, 2016.

The MoD currently is funding the areas that will be fully explored to find out more is what happening under the site. So far the archaeologists have dug about 17 percent of the area and conduct further research on these findings. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DAILY MAIL]
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Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Revealing the largest ancient sea monster in Antarctica

Approximately 66 million years ago, an ancient sea monster that has a very large size roughly the size of a five-story building once dominated the dark Antarctic marine life. Those sea creature called the mosasaur, an aquatic reptiles that lived during the Cretaceous period. One of its characteristics is the use of its limbs like tail for paddling.

Unfortunately, there is not plenty of evidence that can be used to uncover these sea monsters. Until the end of an expedition was held to find evidence of the continuation of the specimen.
Kaikaifilu hervei was as long as a five-story building is tall. See the human for scale. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fq3Fj)
For days the researchers who are members of the Chilean Paleontology Expedition try their luck to get a mosasaur fossil. But before the days of their trip, in the middle of a storm and bad weather the researchers did not find any. Had felt desperate and consider their journey in vain, until finally they managed to find a mosasaur skull on Seymour Island in January 2011.

This discovery became the long-awaited given this specimen was the second fossils found in Antarctica. But unlike before, this time the mosasaur fossils have very large size. It is based on the size of the anatomy of the skull found with a width of 4 feet or 1.2 meters. While the entire body of reptiles stretches about 33 feet (10 m), making it the largest marine predators in the region.

Researchers also gave the name 'Kaikaifilu hervei.' In which Kai-Kai-filu is the myth of the culture of the Mapuche in Southern Chile and Argentina, which means the giant reptiles were in charge of the oceans. While the hervei word derives from the name Francisco Herve, a Chilean geologist and also an Antarctica adventurer.
Researchers found the mosasaur Kaikaifilu hervei in Cretaceous-age rocks on Seymour Island in Antarctica (upper left). Kaikaifilu was quite large. See the human for scale (upper right). Paleontologists struggled through Antarctica's extreme climate when they excavated the specimen (lower right). The muddy site where experts found Kaikaifilu (bottom left). (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fq3Fj)
"Previously, evidence of the existence of such gigantic size mosasaur like Kaikafilu hervei was unknown. Yet Antarctica has an abundant amount of plesiosaur," said Rodrigo Otero, a palaeontologist from the University of Chile as quoted by LiveScience on Wednesday, November 9, 2016.

Plesiosaurs was a long-necked marine reptiles that became the main prey of Kaikafilu hervei. Although now Antarctica is a cold continent, but when the dinosaur age the conditions are much warmer. A group of swimming animals in the region to make a food haven for Kaikafilu hervei.

This research has been published online on November 4, 2016 in the journal Cretaceous Research. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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Monday, November 21, 2016

Here she is the face of ancient Egyptian woman might look

A 2,300 year-old mummified head has reconstructed by the researchers from the University of Melbourne in collaboration with Monash University. The result is not only useful, but also reveals how beauty the face of woman of ancient Egyptian.

To reconstruct, firstly the forensic researcher from Monash University conducted a CT Scan procedures. Technique was performed to identify the sex of the mummy, help to estimate its age, and obtain the detail to create the replica of mummy by 3D printer.
Researchers have just reconstructed a 2,300-year-old Egyptian mummy's face. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fvpGW)
Of the CT scan revealed that the mummy was about 2,300 years old or estimated lived in year of 300 BC. Then the mummy was identified as a woman. The researchers called the woman who had been mummified known as Meritamun.

Armed with the results of CT scans, the researchers asked for help a forensic sculptor named Jennifer Mann. And then, she was accurately reconstructs the face of the woman by using the clay material. The results were very surprising, really a woman who has a beautiful face.
A skull replica made by using 3D printer. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fvpGW)
However Warsha Pilbrow, a member of the research team from the University of Melbourne, revealed that the most important of these reconstruction is not a pretty face of the ancient Egyptian woman. "The main idea of ​​this project is to use heritage and turn it back by using new technologies," she said.

"In this way, the mummy could be an interesting object to be exhibited. And also through the mummy, the students can learn about the signs deadly diseases specific on the anatomy of the human body as well as learn how the population is affected by the environment," she added as quoted by Science Alert on Saturday, September 3, 2016.
How the University of Melbourne could have the mummified head. The skull was allegedly brought to Australia in early 1900 by an archaeologist who studied anatomy named Frederich Wood Jones. Mann who was reconstructs the face of the ancient Egyptian woman also amazed because these mummy still was preserved in well condition after two millennia. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | SCIENCE ALERT]
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Friday, November 11, 2016

The fossil of birdlike dinosaurs found in China

More than 66 million years ago, a feathered dinosaurs have thin legs and a bony above his head, stuck in the mud. The poor beast struggling to be free from puddles of wet soil, until finally it gave up and died. Carcass then petrified. As fossils.

Dinosaur that has the size of a donkey, known as oviraptorosaurus (ancient bird-like creature), its preservation is almost intact. It was found to be lying, chest stuck on the ground, while the neck and wings stretched taut. As with other oviraptorosaurus (a close cousin to modern birds) can not fly, but it has a toothless sharp beaks that can devour shells, plants, nuts, also eggs.
The bird-like dinosaur Tongtianlong limosus likely died after getting stuck in the mud. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fYZiC)
"The creature posture, with a head stand, wings outstretched on each side so the show as if it was trying to escape," said one paleontologist from the University of Edinburgh, Steve Brusatte as quoted by LiveScience on Friday, November 11, 2016.

"The signs that make us think, it got stuck in the mud and trying to get out." The fossil was discovered by Chinese construction workers a few years ago in Jiangxi Province. The workers almost blew the fossils to pieces by using dynamite. At that time, they were installing explosives in the process of making the foundation for a high school building.
The posture of Tongtianlong limosus suggests it was stuck in the mud, and an analysis of the bones shows it was neither attacked nor scavenged by other animals. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fYZiC)
"Dynamite destroys a bit the back of the fossil, but fortunately the other parts survived," added Brusatte. "We almost never know the existence of these dinosaurs." The construction workers then notify their findings to the museum. Then Chinese paleontologists examined. The findings were then published in the scientific journal Nature Scientific.

Because of its death in the middle of the mud, the researchers named it 'Tongtianlong limosus' which could be interpreted as 'muddy dragon on the road to heaven'. Brusatte added, Tongtianlong limosus similarly sized cow or donkey.
A conservator works alongside the Tongtianlong limosus skeleton. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fYZiC)
"Basically they are the last group of dinosaurs that evolved before the asteroid hits the Earth," he said further. The researchers from China and the United Kingdom argues, the fossil has important meaning to provides insight into the evolutionary transition from dinosaurs to birds.

Because, "modern birds descended from dinosaurs," Brusatte said as quoted by the BBC. "Dinosaurs like Tongtianlong limosus provide the clues related to the ancestors of modern birds," he added. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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Thursday, November 10, 2016

An early clue about the existence of a mysterious Nazi base in the Arctic

More recently, Russian scientists claimed to have found the remains of the Nazi secret base on a remote island in the Arctic rim. There in Alexandra Land, they found more than 500 Nazi artifacts and this seemed to bring the team to believe that the place was originally only considered as the rumor, but in fact it was really exists.
Rusted shells were among 500 objects found at the abandoned outpost. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTwoE)
The place in question is Schatzgraber.  Actually, the researchers have not ensure that the artifacts were found associated with the Nazis, but with the presence of the Nazi's swastika symbol on a few artifacts were found making the researchers believe.
Remarkably well-preserved documents were also found at the site. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTwoE)
Though it has been documented in the book titled Wettertrupp Haudegen (1954), Schatzgraber or the 'Treasure Hunter' is never known to exist. It was said that the Schatzgraber built on direct orders of Adolf Hitler in 1942 right after the German attacked Russia.
The base was set up in 1942, apparently with the aim of gathering weather reports. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTwoE)
It was a Nazi mysterious weather station in the Arctic. The secret base had operated briefly in 1943, but abandoned a year later. Due to the guards eat the meat of polar bears were not cooked well and contaminated with worms.
A team of Russian scientists from the Russian Arctic National Park came across more than 500 relics on Alexandra Land - a remote, uninhabited island north of Russia. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTuwY)
Russian researchers arguably was the first to find the physical evidence of Schatzgraber. They found discarded petrol canisters, bullets, ruins of bunkers, shoes, and a batch of paper documents that have apparently been well-preserved by the island's icy climate.
The base was abandoned by its crew when they fell ill after eating polar bear meat. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fTwoE)
"Initially we only know Schatzgraber from written sources only, but now we have real evidence," said, Evgeny Ermolov, one researcher, as quoted by Science Alert on Wednesday, November 3, 2016.
"Now we can get in on the data in this scientific revolution, finding evidence, develop and prove the existence of the German military operations in the Arctic during World War II," he added.

Many people believe that Schatzgraber not just an usual weather station but the part of a secret Nazi mission to find an ancient relic. And this research might be the starting point to uncover it. *** [EKA | FROM VAROUS SOURCES | THE SUN | SCIENCE ALERT]
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Tuesday, November 1, 2016

The rare findings of the brain fossil will help to see the Dinosaur's behaviour

Scientists have long wondered to what exists in the brains of dinosaurs when they roam in the forests of Cretaceous era to stalk and ambush prey, or when incubating their eggs? The paleontologists step closer to guessing the answer by the discoveries of dinosaur's brain fossil. This finding is the first time in the world.

As quoted of LiveScience on Friday, October 28, 2016, turned out to have a brain-sized dinosaurs were very small when compared to the very large body. The findings were similar to the findings of a small pebble and discovered by the fossil hunters in Sussex, England, more than a decade ago.
Dinosaurs brain fossil displays distinct similarities to the brains of modern-day crocodiles and birds. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fGO51)
Findings of dinosaur's soft tissue was a rarity because the substance decays more quickly than other types of tissues. In fact, the dinosaurs lived about 66 million years ago. According to the researchers, the soft tissue is essentially acidified (such as pickles) when the dinosaurs died so that its brain is very well preserved.

David Norman, a scientist at the University of Cambridge, said through a statement, "We suspect that happened was when the dinosaurs died with its body in or near of water, and the head buried in the sediment at the bottom of the water."

"Since water has okisgen and in that time was highly acidic, the soft tissue in the brain is considered preserved and hardened before all the bodies buried in the sediment."
Illustrating the biological context for the brain tissue. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fGO51)
By using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), the researchers recognize different structures in the gravel-sized tissues. This microscope type produces the images with outstanding detail through the bursts movement of electrons in an object.
The researchers detail what part of the dinosaur's brain the tissue came from. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fGO51)
In the resulting images, the researchers can see the meninges, the tissues covering the brain, a pinch of collagen and blood vessels, and structures believed to be the cerebral cortex, the outer layer of the brain.

Norman and his colleagues determined that the brain tissue that seem to come from a similar species of Iguanodon, which is a large herbivorous dinosaur that lived during the early Cretaceous era, about 133 million years ago.
Based on the structures seen in the fossilized brain, the researchers said it is consistent with modern reptiles.. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1fGO51)
The structure seen in the brain tissues fossil shown similarity with the existing structure in the brains of birds and crocodiles, both are descended from the dinosaurs in the present.

Norman as told to the LiveScience, "It's structure is similar to that normally found in reptiles. This finding does not indicate that the dinosaurs were smart enough, for example seen their brains do not fully meet the cavities of the brain."

Some dinosaurs thought to have a fairly large brain, for example in some types that the ancestor of modern birds, but, according to Norman, the fossil findings do not indicate such measures.

And the researchers warn, we're not to draw the conclusions about the intelligence of dinosaurs is only based on the fossil. They suspect that this dinosaur, and also from their relatives, have fairly complex behavior. The researchers wrote that, "It is reasonable to expect that similar Iguanodon dinosaur groups is quite complex behavior (at least as modern crocodiles)."

The findings are published in the October 27, 2016 in Special Publication of the Geological Society of London in honor of Martin Brasier of the University of Oxford who died in 2014. Brasier and Norman to coordinate research on the fossils for several years before Brasier died in a traffic accident.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | LIVESCIENCE]
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Tuesday, October 25, 2016

A giant dinosaurs found in Australia

Scientists announced the discovery of the giant dinosaurs on Friday, October 21, 2016. The findings further clarify the origin of the four-legged dinosaurs (sauropods) in Australia. The dinosaur had a long neck was named Savannasaurus elliottorum

Her name refers to David Elliott, Chairman of the Australian Age of Dinosaurs Museum (AAOD) in Queensland, and is the first person who discovered the dinosaur in 2005.
Savannasaurus elliottorum was found in Queensland during a sheep muster. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f3VhV)
Identification of the giant dinosaur is not easy. AAOD team and the Queensland Museum has been digging since September 2005. However, it took a decade to remove the bones out of the rocks where deposited.
Reconstruction of the new dinosaur Savannasaurus elliottorum showing the bones discovered. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f3Vah)
Dr. Stephen Poropat of AAOD in the publication in the journal Scientific Report states that Savannasaurus entered in the class of titanosaurs, the largest land animals that ever lived on Earth. Until now, 20-25 per cent of the animal skeletons have been found. Most of the torso, front legs, and pelvis. "Because they are animals that are very large, then of course it takes time for the sediment to bury before the predator comes," says Poropat.
Dr Stephen Poropat with five giant back bones from Savannasaurus elliottorum. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f3Vah)
Savannasaurus expected to be a medium size titanosaurs, has a long neck and a short tail. By the length of 12-15 meters, half the length of another dinosaur called diplodocus. According to Poropat, the most prominent characteristic of savannasaurus is the hip with the size of up to 1.5 meters.

The origins of Australia's titanosaurs
Besides Savannasaurus, Poropat also find other dinosaur, Diamantinasaurus matildae. The dinosaurs were first discovered in 2009 that included the first sauropod found in the land of kangaroos.

And the discovery of new species of Savannasaurus and Diamantinasaurus again reviving the debates over the origins of Autralia's titanosaurs. The previous study of Australian megafauna stated, that the Australia's titanosaurs most similar to dinosaurs from Laurasia, ancient continent in the northern hemisphere.
A partial skull of this beast, Diamantinasaurus matildae, was also found by the researchers. (Picture from: http://adf.ly/1f3Vah)
However, Dr Poropat said, it is not unreasonable given the location of the two super continent Gondwana and Laurasia were miles apart. And he said the newly study shows Savannasaurus and Diamantinasaurus actually more closely related to species from South America.

"Assume that the Australian dinosaur shows closer relationship with the dinosaurs of Europe and Asia are always confusing," he said.

"With the improved record of fossils in South America as well as Australia fossil record continues to increase, our understanding about the closeness of our dinosaurs with the dinosaurs from South America to be better," he added.

Futhermore, Dr. Poropat said that the Savannasaurus expected to come to Australia about 105 million years ago from South America. Titanosaurs utilize global warm temperatures at that time to leave South America via Antarctica to Australia when the three of the continents were still connected.

An important publication
Dr. Adam Yates, a senior Earth Sciences curator at the Museum Northern Territory, believes the findings in the paper was valid. "This paper is important because previously nobody ever seriously thought about how we could get the dinosaurs as we have, so I think it's significant," he said.

Titanosaurs represents one of the "last gray area" in human understanding of the story of the dinosaurs. "They're everywhere and are found throughout the world. However, the fossils are often incomplete, and consequently our understanding of the interrelationships of different titanosaurs quite confusing and we do not have a pretty good family tree about them," he said.

Dr Yates said, the titanosaurs migration from South America is much more reasonable. Titanosaurs is a group of dinosaurs were relatively young and has not spread up to the Cretaceous era. "When the time comes, the only land route to Australia is through the Antarctic," said Dr. Yates. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | ABC NEWS]
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