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Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Could this technology put a stop to drunk driving?

Drunk indeed be one of the factors causing accidents often occur. For that, were created a tool that can detect levels of excess alcohol on the driver's body. The technology was researched by Driver Alcohol Detection System for Safety (DADSS), it has been uploaded on Youtube. Then, how does it work?

The alcohol detector works in two ways ie the first is a breathalyzer system located either on the steering wheel or the driver’s side door that is capable of detecting alcohol in the air particles around it. This means that even if the driver doesn’t have the foresight to blow into the device, or doesn’t want to, the system will still be able to determine how many drinks he or she has imbibed.
In-Car Drunkness Detection Systems being tested By NHTSA. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1edbtIh)
The other method involves a touch sensor mounted either on an ignition button or a gear shift that employs near-infrared tissue spectroscopy to determine the driver’s blood alcohol content. 

Remarkably, these two devices work no more than a second. If the driver's alcohol level above the threshold specified in the United States which is 0.08 percent, the system will disable the car, and driving simply won’t be physically possible. Additional features include programming cars to shut down if the driver is under 21 and has had anything at all to drink.

Meanwhile, the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) states that DADSS is the result of research collaboration between the Automotive Coalition for Traffic Safety (ACTS) which represents 17 vehicle manufacturers and NHTSA.
This research project has been running since 2008. It is expected that the presence of these devices as a driving safety technology, will minimize the number of accidents due to the influence of alcohol. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | DIGITAL TRENDS]
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