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Friday, July 4, 2014

Frightening look of Suzuki drag bike style

Each motorcycle manufacturers participating in the Jakarta Fair 2014, not only displays a line of products ready for market. In order to attract the attention of visitors, the manufacturer also participated displaying motorcycles that have been modified.
Suzuki Nex wrapped on drag bike-style. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1mM3zBp)
Suzuki for example, a Japanese manufacturers are presenting competition modification style through their automatic scooter product, Nex which is transformed into a drag bike. As the motor racing which prioritizes speed, then the body was made very light. As a result, a 110 cc automatic scooter made ​​even bare, leaving only the blue colored frame and thin seat as the jockey throne to spur of the iron horse.

No more lights, cable-body or fender moreover mirrors and license plates. All items were detachable for the cut weight. Steering shaft also evicted and replaced with a drag bike typical handlebars to support jockey crouched position.

The legs were made lighter by adopting a model alloy wheels wrapped with two slick tires. In addition, the suspension has also used a system of competition shock absorbers. Display more perfect while the aftermarket exhaust system replaces the factory standard exhaust.

Even it sat in a small stool, this naked bike attracted a number of racing enthusiasts. Unfortunately, there is no complete specification of this drag bike which its frame affixed with the 'S' letter sticker.. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | AUTO OKEZONE]
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