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Tuesday, June 3, 2014

The fossilised tooth of ancient crocodile found

Paleontologists have uncovered one of teeth of the most fierce ancient reptile in the world. Dental reptile was found in Chesil Beach, Dorset, England. Its size reaches 5.5 cm.
The fossilised tooth of the Dakosaurus maximus was discovered off Chesil Beach in Dorset and is now housed at the Natural History Museum in London. (Picture from: http://bbc.in/RYn7e4)
According to paleontologists, the tooth belonged to an ancient crocodile species Dakosaurus maximus. Scientists from the University of Edinburgh and curator of the Natural History Museum in London identified the teeth after auctioned online to collectors last year.

Teeth that have been broken by the end of it is now stored at the Natural History Museum in London. D. maximus is a marine crocodile species that live in European waters 152 million years ago. The size is approximately 4.5 meters. With this size, the crocodile is classified as wild predators, like killer whales.
The shape of its skull and teeth suggests it ate similar prey to killer whales. (Picture from: http://bbc.in/RYn7e4)
Mark Young, a researcher from the University of Edinburgh, as quoted by the BBC on Wednesday. May 28, 2104 said, "Seeing its size, Dakosaurus have very large teeth." Nonetheless, this ancient crocodile can not be regarded as the most ferocious predator.

D. maximus swimming with other predators in the section near sea level, making shallow waters during the late Jurassic become very dangerous. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | BBC]
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