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Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Godzilla Shark

John Paul Hodnett, a paleontologist from Northern Arizona University and the New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science has uncovered the existence of ancient monsters who lived about 300,000 years ago in the ocean.
A recreation of Godzilla shark. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1m29uW3)
The sea monster, which is one type of shark discovered in the Monzano Mountains, east of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Hodnett, who was the first discovered the tip of the shark's nose is stuck on a rock before then dig it.

Hodnet and the research team involved the discovery of ancient sharks call it a Godzilla shark. "We call it that because similarity of the physical characteristics among them," he said as quoted by News Discovery on Thursday, May 15, 2014.
The bone and rock collected from the Manzano Mountains passes through the scanner allowing scientist to get an in-depth view of Ctenacanth. (Picture from: http://bit.ly/1knuWVL)
Some of the similarity characteristics of this sea monster with Godzilla, according to researchers is short and sharp teeth, bone dorsal fin larger than other body parts, rough skin resembling reptiles, as well as a huge size.

"Average fish were found at the site of the discovery of a 7-inch. The biggest shark fossil that ever found previously only 1.5 feet. Godzilla sharks found measuring 7-9 feet and will terrorize the little creatures around them," said Hodnett.

The CT scan analysis revealed that a godzilla shark had a face no less strange. This species has teeth on its lips. While in its mouth was there, but this type has an extra teeth on the outside.

What's the point? Hodnett said, unlike modern sharks can be directly prey with open mouth, this ancient type of shark to be pushed the jaws towards their prey before eating it.

"So have teeth on the lips may help to hold and secure the prey before killing it. Simply, extra teeth outside the mouth of godzilla shark give better bite capabilities with its jaws," explained Hodnett. *** [EKA | FROM VARIOUS SOURCES | NEWS DISCOVERY]
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